Ten of Swords as Love Outcome (Upright & Reve...

The Ten of Swords is the card of betrayal, ruin, failure, pain,

Nine of Swords as Love Outcome (Upright & Rev...

The Nine of Swords is the card of anxiety, fear, negativity, breaking

Eight of Swords as Love Outcome (Upright & Re...

The Eight of Swords is the card of helplessness, powerlessness, imprisonment, victimization,

Seven of Swords as Love Outcome (Upright & Re...

The Seven of Swords is the card of lies, deception, scheming, cunning,

Six of Swords as Love Outcome (Upright & Reve...

The Six of Swords is the card of moving on, departure, leaving

Five of Swords as Love Outcome (Upright & Rev...

The Five of Swords is the card of conflicts, arguments, disputes, fights,

Four of Swords as Love Outcome (Upright & Rev...

The Four of Swords is the card of rest, relaxation, self-protection, peace,

Three of Swords as Love Outcome (Upright & Re...

The Three of Swords is the card of heartbreak, grief, sorrow, loss,

Two of Swords as Love Outcome (Upright & Reve...

The Two of Swords is the card of difficult choices, feeling stuck

Ace of Swords as Love Outcome (Upright & Reve...

The Ace of Swords is the card of clarity, truth, communication, new

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