Seven of Wands as Love Advice (Upright & Reve...

The Seven of Wands is the card of protection, defense, and taking

Six of Wands as Love Advice (Upright & Revers...

The Six of Wands is the card of success, victory, triumph, achievement,

Five of Wands as Love Advice (Upright & Rever...

The Five of Wands is the card of conflict, tension, competition, and

Four of Wands as Feelings Tarot Card Meaning Sibyl Tarot
Four of Wands as Love Advice (Upright & Rever...

The Four of Wands is the card of marriage, weddings, parties, reunions,

Three of Wands as Love Advice (Upright & Reve...

The Three of Wands is the card of confidence, momentum, growth, and

Two of Wands as Love Advice (Upright & Revers...

The Two of Wands is the card of planning, making decisions, leaving

Ace of Wands as Love Advice (Upright & Revers...

The Ace of Wands is the card of inspiration, new opportunities, growth,

World as Love Advice (Upright & Reversed) Tar...

The World is the card of completion, achievement, fulfillment, belonging, and perfect

Judgement as Love Advice (Upright & Reversed)...

Judgement is the card of purpose, awakening, renewal, and reckoning. This card

Sun as Love Advice (Upright & Reversed) Tarot...

The Sun is the card of happiness, success, optimism, confidence, and joy.

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