If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.
The Chariot is the card of triumph, success, determination, and action. The Chariot shows a brave warrior standing tall in his chariot. He is all about taking charge and moving forward. He is not about thinking or feeling, but about doing. Although this is a great card to get in a financial or career reading, it bodes more ominously for matters of love. The Chariot knows what he wants and how to get it. Although the two sphinxes in the front of the carriage are pulling in different directions, the Chariot has a strength of steel. He pushes them to go his way and to follow his will.
If you are asking about someone’s intentions towards you, and you draw the Chariot, that means this person intends on achieving something they have in mind that relates to you. This goal could be to start a relationship with you or something else. Depending on how you feel about relationships, these intentions could be good or bad. You will either be quickly conquered by the person and begin a relationship, or you may be devastated emotionally. The Chariot’s intentions revolve around action rather than feelings and emotions. The Chariot signifies that the person may ignore your feelings in order to achieve whatever their goal is for you.
The Chariot as intentions means that they plan on stopping for nothing. No one can get in the way of what this person wants. The Chariot signals that this person’s confidence has no weakness. They intend on completing their mission no matter the circumstances. Their mission completely embodies their intentions. If their mission is to get your attention or win you over, they will do everything in their power to accomplish this. The Chariot can be a charming but sometimes dangerous card when relating to relationships. You must be careful with the person you think about if you draw the Chariot.
For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Chariot is a sign of them intending to solidify the relationship. The Chariot means that the person knows exactly what they want, and if they start a new relationship, they have no doubts about it. The person knows that they want you and will not give up easily. If you are single, the Chariot is a very positive card. You intend to continue pursuing whatever your current goals are.
For existing relationships, the Chariot represents an intention to stay determined and true to purpose. These intentions are often selfish. They most likely think only about themselves and rarely about you in the relationship. They intend on acting rather than considering. They do not intend on caring for your feelings and goals, but rather only their own. They have something in mind that they want to achieve in the relationship, and they intend on fulfilling it no matter the cost.
If you are asking about an ex’s intentions, the Chariot shows that they intend on moving on from you. They may cherish some of their memories with you, as they certainly enjoyed a majority of their time with you. However, the Chariot always moves forward, and it does not let the past affect their current goals and the future. The person intends on finding someone new because they know that your past relationship did not work. The Chariot will not reconsider anything that they know failed. The person knows why the relationship failed, and will keep that in mind every time they think about it.
In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Chariot means that this person’s intentions are clear to them. If they intend on spending the rest of their life with you, then they intend on proposing without hesitation. If they constantly focus on other financial or career goals, then the relationship will most likely weaken to the point of failure. The Chariot means that this person will put all of their focus into their primary intention and leave no time for others. If money or power is their primary focus, you can expect them to be very inattentive and inconsiderate of you and your feelings. If your relationship is their primary focus, you can expect commitment and marriage very soon.
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If you are asking about someone’s intentions towards you, and you draw the Chariot reversed, that means this person does not intend on doing anything. They have no goal or objective in your relationship or friendship. Their lack of intention could make them unresponsive or lost. They may intend on figuring out what they want with you, but they need assistance. You should intend on helping this person figure out what they want.
The Chariot reversed as intentions means that they intend on figuring out what can give them a boost of guidance. Multiple circumstances can demoralize or distract them, including your relationship or something else in their life. Once they determine the cause for their disturbance, the Chariot reversed can return to being upright. They will then intend on achieving whatever will give them guidance towards moving forward. This may be ending your relationship or addressing another matter.
For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Chariot reversed is a sign of them intending to think about whether or not they want to continue or end the relationship. You most likely anger and annoy them easily in this period of the relationship. They do not know if they want to be with you; they are stuck. They intend on becoming unstuck, but they do not know how. You should intend on helping the person rediscover what they desire if you hope to continue the relationship. If you cannot help this person, then you should intend on moving on because you cannot change someone who is stubborn about being stuck with no direction.
For existing relationships, the Chariot reversed represents an intention to wallow in self pity. They do not intend on meeting any of your needs, but rather only care about themselves. The Chariot focuses highly on one thing – themself. If reversed, a dynamic of sadness and passion presents itself. They intend to focus on themselves because they still have the same ego of the Chariot, but reversed, so they focus on all of the bad things and self-conscious thoughts. Something in the relationship could be causing this self-pity.
If you are asking about an ex’s intentions, the Chariot reversed shows that they intend on staying trapped in the past. They cannot move on, but at the same time, they want to. Your past relationship strains their intentions, and they cannot determine the best course of action. They know that they cannot get back together with you, as it did not work out, but they also cannot forget the memories they had with you. The Chariot fixates on something easily. Similarly, the Chariot reversed fixates on the past relationship, which often damages the person further. You should not engage with your ex if you draw the Chariot reversed. They are in a bad position mentally, but if they decide to reach out to you again, possibly be open to discussion with them.
In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Chariot reversed means that this person’s intentions are to progress nowhere. Unlike other relationship predictions, the Chariot reversed predicts possibilities of commitment and marriage very well. The person does not intend on serious commitment or marriage. Their ideas in life block them from making any progression, and they have no intention of fixing it. They intend on remaining in a casual relationship with you. If you want more than this, you should need to talk to your partner and be ready to walk away if they cannot take action.
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For relationships and feelings, The Chariot can often be a tough card to swallow, because so often it says what we do not want a reading to say. However, there is good in every card. You can find the good in the Chariot by channeling its confidence and self-love into your own life. This energy can go in a very positive direction if you let it. Let it make you stronger, faster, and more dazzling in your own gorgeous attractiveness.
If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.