Four of Pentacles as Intentions Tarot Card Meaning Sibyl Tarot

The Four of Pentacles is the card of insecurity, jealousy, possessiveness, stinginess, boundaries, and guardedness. This card depicts a man clutching many pentacles close to his body. His arms and feet are locked defensively in a closed stance. He acts as if he believes that someone is going to rob him at any second. He is guarded and does not trust others. 

The Four of Pentacles reminds us that boundaries are important to healthy relationships, but sometimes insecurity can take our boundaries too far. When we have our guard up to the point of paranoia and jealousy, we deprive ourselves of the ability to give and receive love and emotional support. The Four of Pentacles is a reminder that love should be freely given and that possessiveness can destroy relationships.

Upright Four of Pentacles as Intentions

If you are asking about someone’s intentions towards you, and you draw the Four of Pentacles, that means this person intends to keep you for the wrong reasons. They don’t want to lose you. As a result, they are highly possessive and insecure. Their behavior could be poisonous to you. You need to ask yourself whether or not this is the kind of person with whom you wish to develop a deep and lasting bond.

The Four of Pentacles as intentions means that they cannot fully trust others because of unhealed emotional wounds from the past. Fear is a constant companion for them. They grow overly dependent on you as a defense mechanism and want your undivided attention. They are bringing unhealthy baggage into your relationship from their past. You need to address and resolve this to prevent the issue from escalating further.

For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Four of Pentacles is a sign of them intending to keep you to themselves. They have not fully healed from past trauma. They are scared of being hurt again. As a result, this person tends to be jealous and clingy. Although their reason is to not lose you, the possessiveness might hurt you in the future. They need to do a deep introspection before the relationship can progress.

For existing relationships, the Four of Pentacles represents an intention to dwell in the past. They are extremely clingy and jealous. One reason would be a case of cheating — have you always been faithful to your partner? If this is not the case, then they are projecting their past onto your relationship. They must let go of this baggage for a healthy relationship.

If you are asking about an ex’s intentions, the Four of Pentacles shows that they intend to keep things as they are. They have feelings of regret. But they don’t intend to display it to the world. They would instead continue showing a guarded front instead of admitting the breakup significantly affected them. Deep inside, they are still insecure and needy. If you want to reconnect with this person, ensure they have already overcome their issues; otherwise, you will go back to square one.

In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Four of Pentacles means that this person’s intentions are burdened with the past. They have a lot of inner work before they can be ready for a larger commitment. They have had issues in the past that must be resolved. Your partner must let go of this insecurity before your relationship can progress.

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Reversed Four of Pentacles as Intentions

If you are asking about someone’s intentions towards you, and you draw the Four of Pentacles reversed, that means this person intends to finally let go of past hurt. They realized that holding on to their past is no longer healthy. They want to embrace new opportunities for growth and maturity. They are now ready to commit to a new beginning.

The Four of Pentacles reversed as intentions means that they are ready to deepen your connection. They are now in the place of healing. It was a long way for them, but they finally came to terms with their past. They are no longer holding on to past troubles. This is a good sign for your relationship as they have developed emotional maturity and growth.

For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Four of Pentacles reversed is a sign of them intending to open up to the idea of a new beginning. They have put in the time and effort required to overcome their traumatic experiences. With the lessons they learned from their previous relationship in mind, they feel prepared to start fresh. They’re sure that this time around, they’ll make a much more valuable partner. You two seem to be off to a great start.

For existing relationships, the Four of Pentacles reversed represents an intention to move forward. You have your share of fights and misunderstandings, which, in the past, have ended up in regretful words and actions. They have come to the realization that dwelling on your past mistakes is only bringing them more harm than good. They are no longer holding on to your past misunderstandings, whatever the cause may be. They want to apply the lessons they learned for the success of your relationship.

If you are asking about an ex’s intentions, the Four of Pentacles reversed shows that they intend to heal and move on. The relationship was important for their growth. They were hurt. But they have accepted that it was probably for the best. If you are asking if they are open for a reconciliation, it entirely depends on your ex. They can either want to get back and start anew, or move on with their life without you.

In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Four of Pentacles reversed means that this person’s intentions are gearing towards a bright future with you. They have finally gotten rid of the blockages that were previously preventing your relationship from progressing. Letting go of their insecurities and fears make them realize that they want a life-long commitment with you. Now is the time to talk about marriage.

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For relationships and feelings, the Four of Pentacles represents insecurity and jealousy. While it’s natural to want to be your partner’s special person, it can be counterproductive to take possessiveness too far. This can be a detriment and burden to the relationship. If you find yourself having these feelings, ask yourself where it is coming from and if it is based in reality. 

If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.

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