The High Priestess is the card of inner balance, intuition, and duality. Her number is 2, balancing two sides to everything. She sits between light and darkness, black and white, sun and moon, masculine and feminine, yin and yang, life and death, conscious and unconscious. In love, she represents a soul connection that transcends karmic cycles.
The High Priestess sits peacefully between two pillars, one white, one black. She is in perfect harmony with the material and spiritual worlds. She asks you to look within yourself for the answer, because your intuition and feelings will guide you to the truth.
If you are asking about an action you should take, and you draw the High Priestess, it means that you should trust your intuition and inner wisdom, taking time to reflect before making decisions. The High Priestess calls for introspection and self-trust, indicating that your subconscious mind may be trying to guide you. Instead of rushing to act, pause and connect with your intuition, allowing it to provide valuable insights.
The High Priestess as a suggested action can represent the need to listen to your inner voice and seek answers within yourself, rather than relying solely on external advice. While external guidance can be helpful, it’s crucial to remember that you hold a deep well of wisdom within. Tune into your inner self, ask the important questions, and have faith in your ability to find the answers.
If you are asking about a potential relationship, the High Priestess as an action means you should trust your gut feelings about the person and the relationship. If something doesn’t feel right, or conversely, if it feels very right, trust that feeling. Your intuition is a powerful guide in relationships, helping you navigate through the complexities of human connection.
If you are asking about an existing relationship, the High Priestess as an action means you should listen to your intuition about the relationship and consider whether it aligns with your deepest values and feelings. The High Priestess reminds us to honor our inner voice and feelings. If you’re feeling uneasy or unfulfilled, it’s crucial to address these feelings and assess what changes might be necessary for your wellbeing.
If you are asking about an ex, the High Priestess as an action means you should use your intuition and wisdom to guide you in understanding the lessons from that relationship. Reflect on your past relationship with an open mind and heart, trusting your inner wisdom to illuminate the lessons learned. Use these insights to foster growth and better relationships in the future.
If you are asking about career and financial matters, the High Priestess as an action means you should trust your intuition when making decisions and consider any gut feelings you have about a job or investment opportunity. While logical analysis is important in financial matters, your intuition can provide valuable insights that logic may miss. Trust your instincts, and use them alongside practical considerations to guide your decisions.
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If you are asking about an action you should take, and you draw the High Priestess reversed, it means that you may be ignoring your intuition or inner wisdom, or not giving yourself enough time for introspection. The reversed High Priestess suggests a disconnection from your inner self, urging you to pay closer attention to your instincts and gut feelings. It’s a reminder that you have an innate wisdom within you, and tuning into this can provide invaluable guidance.
The High Priestess reversed as a suggested action can represent a need to connect with your inner self, perhaps through meditation or other forms of introspection, and to listen to your gut instincts. It might be time to quiet the external noise and reconnect with your inner voice. Whether through meditation, journaling, or simply spending quiet time alone, find ways to foster this connection and listen attentively to your intuition.
If you are asking about a potential relationship, the High Priestess reversed as an action means you may need to look deeper within yourself to understand your true feelings about the person or relationship. The reversed High Priestess cautions against ignoring your feelings or instincts about a potential partner. It’s important to be honest with yourself about your emotions and to trust your instincts when it comes to relationships.
If you are asking about an existing relationship, the High Priestess reversed as an action means you may need to face any issues or feelings that you’ve been avoiding or suppressing. Often, we might ignore or suppress uncomfortable emotions, but the reversed High Priestess suggests that these feelings need to be acknowledged and addressed. Be brave in facing these issues head-on, trusting that doing so will lead to deeper understanding and growth.
If you are asking about an ex, the High Priestess reversed as an action means you may need to acknowledge and deal with unresolved emotions or lessons from the relationship. Rather than ignoring or suppressing feelings from past relationships, it’s important to face them and learn from them. Use these experiences as an opportunity for growth and healing, trusting your inner wisdom to guide you through this process.
If you are asking about career and financial matters, the High Priestess reversed as an action means you may need to take a step back, reflect, and trust your intuition to guide you to the right decisions. Career and financial decisions can often be complex and challenging, but the reversed High Priestess urges you to not solely rely on logic. Taking time to connect with your intuition can provide valuable insights that can guide you in making balanced, informed decisions.
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For relationships and feelings, The High Priestess is full of duality. It can indicate the highest highs and the lowest lows, connecting them both into a perfect circle and unending cycle. No matter what, the lesson of the High Priestess is to look within yourself for the answers. Your intuition knows. Trust yourself. Believe in yourself. Your truth is powerful, and it knows no bounds.
If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.