Judgement as Situation Tarot Card Meaning Sibyl Tarot

Judgement is the card of purpose, awakening, renewal, and reckoning. This card is about turning points, and it depicts people rising up to the angel Gabriel’s call. They are finding their calling, and they are reaching their purpose in life. This is also a card of karma. Their outstretched arms show that they are ready to meet their judgement and see where the dice land for them. 

Judgement reminds us that none of us are exempt from karma. We are all subject to the forces of the Universe. If we put out negativity, we will reap what we sow. If we send out positivity, we will be paid back in kind. There will always be a reckoning and a time for self-reflection.  

Upright Judgement as Situation

If you are asking about a situation, and you draw Judgement, it means that it’s a time for reflection, self-evaluation, and a call towards transformation. This card suggests that you should take a moment to look inward, assess your actions and their consequences, and consider how you can evolve. With honest self-evaluation and willingness to change, you may find a path that leads to personal growth and fulfillment.

Judgement as your current situation can represent a phase of awakening, self-discovery, and important decisions. You may find yourself in a moment of clarity, realizing truths about yourself and your situation that were previously obscured. This newfound understanding may call for decisions that will greatly impact your future, pushing you towards an era of self-discovery.

If you are asking about a potential relationship’s situation, Judgement as a situation means it’s time to evaluate your feelings and intentions honestly and make decisive choices. You may need to take a step back to fully understand your feelings for this person and what you hope for the relationship’s future. Through open introspection, you’ll be better prepared to make decisions that can shape the course of this potential relationship.

If you are asking about an existing relationship’s situation, Judgement as a situation means it’s time for open communication, evaluation, and potentially transformative conversations. There may be a need for an honest and open discussion about the relationship’s status and future. This conversation, although possibly challenging, can lead to greater understanding, resolution of lingering issues, and a deepened bond between you and your partner.

If you are asking about your situation with an ex, Judgement as a situation means it’s time to reflect on past lessons, make peace with the past, and decide on the path forward. You may need to delve into the experiences of this past relationship, acknowledge the lessons it taught you, and then let it go. This process of reflection and release could be crucial to your emotional growth and readiness to move forward.

If you are asking about a career or financial situation, Judgement as a situation means it’s a period of reckoning, evaluation, and potentially significant transitions. You might be asked to scrutinize your work or financial habits, consider the outcomes they have led to, and decide on potential changes. This could be a transformative time, leading to major decisions that can profoundly affect your career or financial future.

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Reversed Judgement as Situation

If you are asking about a situation, and you draw Judgement reversed, it means that you may be resisting self-evaluation, transformation, or necessary decisions. This card suggests a reluctance to confront the reality of your circumstances and an avoidance of critical decisions that need to be made. This resistance could stifle your growth and prevent you from reaching a resolution or achieving personal development.

Judgement reversed as your current situation can represent denial, self-doubt, or a reluctance to face the necessary transformations. You may find yourself hesitating to acknowledge certain truths about yourself or your situation. This period of denial or doubt can prolong your struggles and delay the transformative change that may be essential for your personal growth.

If you are asking about a potential relationship’s situation, Judgement reversed as a situation means there may be a reluctance to confront feelings or make important decisions. You might be avoiding acknowledging your true feelings or making a definitive decision about this potential relationship. This avoidance could lead to stagnation and prevent the relationship from moving forward or developing further.

If you are asking about an existing relationship’s situation, Judgement reversed as a situation means there might be avoidance of necessary conversations, evaluations, or changes. This card can suggest that one or both parties are avoiding necessary discussions about issues in the relationship, causing stagnation and potential discord. To ensure the health of the relationship, it’s crucial to face these issues head-on.

If you are asking about your situation with an ex, Judgement reversed as a situation means there’s a need for introspection and decision-making that’s being avoided. You may be resisting the need to reflect on this past relationship, denying its impact on you, or avoiding the necessary decisions about how to move forward. This avoidance can impede your healing process and hinder your progress in moving on.

If you are asking about a career or financial situation, Judgement reversed as a situation means there might be denial or avoidance of necessary evaluations, decisions, or changes. You could be reluctant to face the realities of your current job or financial circumstances, which might involve confronting difficult truths or making tough decisions. This avoidance can stall your progress and prevent you from reaching your career or financial goals.

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For relationships and feelings, Judgement represents a turning point and the potential for awakening. All relationships go through turning points at one point or another. Whether upright or reversed, Judgement reminds us that we all will be faced with important decisions in life. The decisions that we make will have a profound effect on our lives. This is a time for you to do some self reflection and find the purpose of your relationship.

If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.

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