The King of Wands is the card of leadership, vision, boldness, and decisiveness. The card depicts a king on his throne, holding a wand as his sceptre. He looks out into the distance towards his kingdom. He has a vision for his empire, and he is ready to make decisions to expand it. He is full of relentless optimism for the future.
The King of Wands is the zenith of the suit of wands. The King of Wands reminds us that it is important to have a bold vision for your relationships, and to be decisive in your decision making. When you know yourself deeply, you will know what the right choice is. You won’t hesitate, because you will be perfectly aligned with your authentic self.
If you are asking about love advice, and you draw the King of Wands, that means that you are advised to show who you are and what you want. Take charge and envision a future full of positivity and love. Don’t be afraid to take the risk. When you know precisely what you want, the universe will conspire for you to get it.
For love, the King of Wands as advice means that you should be bold in your decisions. This person is passionate about you. They get excited by the thought of you and a relationship together. They can even see you as a part of their future. Know that this person holds you dear. What you have between the two of you is something special.
For singles, the King of Wands as love advice means someone wants you, and they’re going to get you. This person is seeking a long-term relationship with you. They are emotionally mature and experienced. If someone throws subtle hints at you, know that their feelings are genuine and true. This can be a good sign to start a relationship.
For new and potential relationships, the King of Wands as love advice means your partner sees you as their possible endgame. They are not here for short-term intentions. They think this relationship is the real deal. This person will take really good care of you. Don’t hesitate to give your all.
For existing relationships, the King of Wands as advice means that they see you as their forever person. They will do anything to make you happy. While they could start a fight, they know you are more important than whatever caused it. No matter what challenges occur in your relationship, this person is determined to keep you in their life. This can be a great time to think about marriage.
If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the King of Wands as love advice shows that your ex is thinking of ways to get you back. They can’t envision a life without you. Their feelings for you run way too deep. You are the only one they want to be with in their future. This can be a good sign of reconciliation if you feel the same way.
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If you are asking about love advice, and you draw the King of Wands reversed, that means that you are advised to be cautious of this person’s feelings. They could be feeling pressured to meet your expectations. They can’t move freely and do what they want because they fear disappointing you. While encouraging them to be the best version of themselves may seem to be the best thing to do, this can lead to misunderstandings. Keep in mind that each person has their own individuality.
For love, the King of Wands reversed as advice means that you should carefully observe this person’s feelings for you. They may be lost in life. Their vision of the future is blurry. As a result, they don’t like thinking about it. Because of this, this person may not be in the right place to commit to a long-term relationship.
For singles, the King of Wands reversed as love advice means someone is unsure of getting into a relationship with you. They will lead you on with mixed signals and keep your hopes up. This person may only be in it for the thrill of starting something new. Keep your eyes open and look for the signs. If you’re seeking a long-term relationship, this person may not be the one for you.
For new and potential relationships, the King of Wands reversed as love advice means your new partner may not be ready to fully commit to your relationship. They will give you excuses from time to time, not knowing what they want for the future. If you’re looking for someone to spend the rest of your life with, this can be a potential heartbreak. Consider ending things before it’s too late.
For existing relationships, the King of Wands reversed as advice means that they see you as someone they cannot please. They think they can’t be themselves around you. They feel like they can’t be the one you want them to be. As a result, they have a hard time envisioning you as a part of their future. Take this time to have an honest conversation with your partner and see if things can still work out.
If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the King of Wands reversed as love advice shows that your ex could be in a position where they do not know what relationship they want. They don’t know which way to go. They must take their time and prioritize discovering themselves before fully committing to a relationship. A reconciliation is only possible when this person already has a clear vision of their true self.
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For relationships and feelings, the King of Wands represents having a bold vision and being decisive in your actions. The King of Wands is the consummate CEO, always guiding the boat forwards. The King of Wands reminds us that we each need to be leaders in our relationships. Co-lead the relationship with your partner, and you will find success together.
If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.