Lovers as Action Tarot Card Meaning Sibyl Tarot

The Lovers is the card of love, relationships, passion, desire, and choices. Ruled by Gemini (the Twins), the Lovers speaks to the duality of unity: yin and yang, masculine and feminine, heaven and earth. The Lovers show that perfect union is possible. You can find your soulmate. 

The Lovers feature Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, with the archangel Raphael looking upon them from above. There is the serpent’s temptation on one side, and burning desire on the other. Raphael unites the couple, as he is the angel of communication. Although the world the Lovers inhabit is not perfect, they are each other’s other half.

Upright Lovers as Action

If you are asking about an action you should take, and you draw the Lovers, it means that you should make decisions based on love, unity, and mutual values, or seek harmony and balance in your relationships. This card encourages you to prioritize decisions that foster love and unity, and to create a harmonious environment for yourself and those around you. It’s a reminder to always consider the impact of your actions on your relationships and to make choices that promote balance and mutual respect.

The Lovers as a suggested action can represent the need to align your actions with your core values, seek partnerships and collaborations, or make choices that honor the needs and desires of both yourself and others. This card signifies the importance of acting in alignment with your personal beliefs and values. It encourages you to seek out partnerships that are mutually beneficial, and to make decisions that take into account the needs and desires of all parties involved.

If you are asking about a potential relationship, the Lovers as an action means you should pursue it if it brings a sense of harmony, mutual respect, and shared values. This card suggests that successful relationships are based on a foundation of harmony, respect, and shared values. If these elements are present in the potential relationship, it may be worth pursuing.

If you are asking about an existing relationship, the Lovers as an action means you should work towards harmony, understanding, and shared values, possibly through communication and compromise. This card advises you to strive for a balanced relationship where both parties’ needs are met. Communication and compromise may be necessary to achieve this balance and foster a deeper understanding between you and your partner.

If you are asking about an ex, the Lovers as an action means you should consider the lessons learned about love and compatibility, and apply this wisdom to future relationships. This card encourages you to reflect on your past relationship and understand the lessons it taught you about love, compatibility, and mutual values. Use this knowledge to inform your decisions and actions in future relationships.

If you are asking about career and financial matters, the Lovers as an action means you should seek partnerships, collaborations, or endeavors that align with your core values and passions. This card advises you to align your career and financial decisions with your values and passions. Seek out partnerships and collaborations that resonate with your core beliefs and can help you achieve your professional and financial goals.

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Lovers Reversed as Action

If you are asking about an action you should take, and you draw the Lovers reversed, it means that you may need to address disharmony, imbalance, or a disconnection from your core values. This card indicates that there may be discord or imbalance in your life that needs attention. It’s a call to reconnect with your core values and make decisions that bring you back into alignment with them.

The Lovers reversed as a suggested action can represent a need to reassess your relationships, realign with your values, or make difficult decisions to restore balance and harmony. This card implies that your current path may not be in alignment with your true values, and reassessment is needed. It suggests that challenging decisions might be required to restore equilibrium and harmony in your relationships.

If you are asking about a potential relationship, the Lovers reversed as an action means you should be cautious of imbalance, disharmony, or fundamental differences in values or goals. This card suggests a potential for discord or imbalance in the potential relationship. Be cautious of any fundamental differences in values or life goals that could cause tension in the long run.

If you are asking about an existing relationship, the Lovers reversed as an action means you may need to work on communication, compromise, or realigning shared goals and values. This card encourages you to address any disharmony in your relationship, possibly by improving communication or finding a compromise. It’s a reminder to ensure that your shared goals and values are aligned and to work together to maintain balance.

If you are asking about an ex, the Lovers reversed as an action means you should reflect on the discord or imbalance that may have contributed to the breakup and learn from these experiences. This card indicates that there were likely issues of disharmony or imbalance in your previous relationship. Reflecting on these issues can provide valuable lessons for future relationships.

If you are asking about career and financial matters, the Lovers reversed as an action means you may need to reassess your professional relationships, realign your career with your values, or make difficult decisions to restore balance in your financial life. This card suggests that there may be imbalance or discord in your professional or financial life. It encourages you to reassess your professional relationships, ensure your career aligns with your values, and take any necessary steps to restore financial balance.

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For relationships and feelings, The Lovers is a paramount card. The Lovers speaks of a soulmate relationship with a perfect union under heaven and earth. True love is real, and it is extraordinary. It is not just for the storybooks. This card also teaches us that this love is only possible through excellent communication and a shared understanding. Raphael hangs heavily over Adam and Eve, as their guardian angel of communication. Finally, the Lovers reminds us that just as you want to be loved by another, make sure that you love yourself too. 

If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.

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