The Page of Cups is the card of idealism, innocence, sensitivity, and dreamy love. This card shows a young page holding out a cup. He is dressed in royal finery. This indicates his status, but also shows his youth and bravado. Surprisingly, a fish is coming out of the cup, instead of water. This represents the page’s active imagination and sense of humor.
The Page of Cups reminds us that young love may be naive and idealistic, but is also sweet and kind. It is part of the human experience, and it is a stage that is apparent in any relationship. The Page of Cups reminds us to meet the world with the eyes and heart of our inner child, because they are looking to create a better world.
If you are asking about how someone sees you, and you draw the Page of Cups, that means this person sees you as someone from a dream. This person is under the spell of great love. They’re captivated by you and drawn in, swept up into new heights of passionate fascination. You can see it in their eyes. They’re viewing your relationship with an airy optimism — like nothing quite this wonderful has ever happened before.
The Page of Cups means that they see you as someone they appreciate. Your relationship is likely taking on new life and vibrancy, as your partner seems to be seeing you in a whole different light — one full of warmth and playful energy. Being with you brings out their inner child. They feel content yet alive at the same time. It’s an exciting reminder that no matter how long we’ve been together, there can always be something fresh and rejuvenating about our connection.
For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Page of Cups is a sign that they see you as someone who has captured their heart. This person can’t get enough of you! Feelings are off the charts with new love and they’re seeing everything through a rosy lens. Enjoy this passionate start, but be sure to build an enduring foundation so your relationship stays strong in the long run.
For existing relationships, the Page of Cups means that they see you as someone who is happy with them. This person is totally smitten with you. Your relationship has held up over time, and they’re still just as blown away by your connection now as when it first began. They relish and savor this unique bond between the two of you, grateful for what they get to experience each and every day. They can’t believe how lucky they are to have found such a passionate union that only continues to grow more meaningful each day.
If you are asking about an ex’s intentions, the Page of Cups shows that they see you as someone they regret leaving. They miss you and the bond that you shared. They miss you. They now realize just how big of a mistake it was to have left your relationship, and there’s nothing they want more than to return to you. However, it is up in the air how rooted in reality their opinion of you is. It’s possible that they’re only remembering the good moments and have disregarded the conflicts.
In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Page of Cups means that they see you as someone they would love to spend forever with. This person is head-over-heels for you, dreaming of a romantic and beautiful future together. They can’t wait to make it all come true.
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If you are asking about how someone sees you, and you draw the Page of Cups reversed, that means this person sees you as someone who they want to love them, but can’t bring themselves to ask. Right now these emotional needs are going unmet and it’s leading to some understandable outbursts. While they may feel like lashing out, what they truly need is love — a little kindness can go a long way in this situation.
The Page of Cups reversed means that they see you as someone that makes them shy. This individual could be battling a complex tangle of emotions. They want to express themselves and their feelings, but they don’t know where or how to begin. Overwhelmed by everything that’s going on inside them, they’re desperately searching for something solid, some kind of anchor, in the stormy sea of their inner experience.
For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Page of Cups reversed is a sign that they see you as an overwhelming person. This person is likely feeling a mix of emotions towards you, but may be unable to express them due to their insecurity and frustrations. Despite the strong feelings they have for you, it can only do harm if they don’t know how to open up and ask for your love in return.
For existing relationships, the Page of Cups reversed means that they see you as someone who doesn’t give them security. In relationships, communicating needs and expressing emotions effectively isn’t always easy. If your partner is struggling with this right now, they need you to be a source of security rather than fuel for the fire. Show them love but also remember it’s up to each person in the relationship, including them, to learn how to handle their emotions healthily in order for long-term success.
If you are asking about an ex’s intentions, the Page of Cups reversed shows that they see you as someone who hurt them. It’s clear that your ex is still struggling to come to terms with the end of your relationship. Acting out emotionally can be a sign they’re overwhelmed by those feelings, but true reconciliation isn’t possible right away — it requires emotional maturity in order for any future relationship between you two to have security and success.
In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Page of Cups reversed means that they see you as a partner that they need to mature more with. It’s clear that the two of you are growing closer and want to take things further, but it may be time for some self-reflection before making a larger commitment. Developing emotional maturity will give your relationship the foundation necessary to last — rather than relying on words alone, make sure actions speak as loud or louder.
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For relationships and feelings, the Page of Cups represents the dreamy stage of infatuation and young love. Although this love may not yet be mature, it is sweet and kind in its gentle nature. It is idealistic and somewhat naive. The Page of Cups reminds us that this is a natural stage of young love. It is deserving of celebration in its own way. But let it not go overboard, or it will show its immature nature.
If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.