Seven of Pentacles as Career Advice Tarot Card Meaning Sibyl Tarot

The Seven of Pentacles is the card of growth, progress, patience, perseverance, and results. This card shows a man watching over his garden. It looks like he has spent a lot of time tending to the vegetables in his garden, and he is now patiently watching them grow. Over time, the garden has flourished, and soon, the harvest will be ready. 

The Seven of Pentacles reminds us that good things take time to grow. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are the best relationships. Just as the greatest oak trees take time to grow, a good relationship needs nurturing over time to flourish. You get out what you put into it. The Seven of Pentacles is a reminder to cultivate your garden. Invest in your relationship. The rewards are worth it. 

Upright Seven of Pentacles as Career Advice

If you are asking for career advice, and you draw the Seven of Pentacles, it suggests that growth and prosperity are in your cards. Your career is about to get the ultimate launch in the right direction. Everything you’ve been working so hard for is going to come to fruition soon and all your efforts are going to get recognized. 

If you are asking for financial advice, the Seven of Pentacles means you’re about to receive a huge bonus. You’ve been working really hard for it, and now your finances are going to begin looking up. Just continue to patiently monitor your finances and keep allowing yourself to be the responsible person that you are. Just remember that your finances are in a good spot so don’t worry about them too much.

For those starting a new job, the Seven of Pentacles means that you’ll need to put in some work  before you’ll start seeing some good things in your new job. Though don’t worry because your new job is something that will definitely cultivate your career in a positive way. You’ll be learning lots of new skills, but it will take some time before you master them. 

For those wondering about their current job, the Seven of Pentacles means that you’ve spent a lot of time honing your skills in this job. It’s been quite a while since you’ve seen any progress, but just keep on going because good things come to those who wait. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day. As long as you’re still happy with what you’re doing, everything will be worth it in the end. 

If you are asking about whether or not you should switch industries, the Seven of Pentacles means that you’re just beginning to grow and thrive in your current industry. Don’t get too hasty and think about switching industries because things are just about to begin looking up. You’ve been putting in all the work and it’s time for you to finally get the recognition that you deserve.

For those interested in starting a business, the Seven of Pentacles means that you’re willing to invest the time and energy to make your business work. So, take this chance and start your own business because it’s obvious that this is what your heart wants. You know that not everything will be perfect, but you’re ready to keep going no matter what. 

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Reversed Seven of Pentacles as Career Advice

If you are asking for career advice, and you draw the Seven of Pentacles reversed, it suggests that you’re tired of putting in all this effort for nothing. You want to give up. Your drive to achieve your goals has completely vanished. You’re also feeling very impatient and don’t want to wait for your rewards any longer. This isn’t a good sign if you were hoping for a sign that your career will be going uphill. 

If you are asking for financial advice, the Seven of Pentacles reversed means you’re a little too impulsive with your finances. You don’t think things through very much because you’re impatient and find solace in material things. If you want something, you get it immediately. Understand that good things come to those who wait. Being hasty isn’t a good trait to have if you’re looking to save up.

For those starting a new job, the Seven of Pentacles reversed means you’re already tired of this job. You thought that this job would be the answer to your burnout, but it just isn’t. You have unrealistic expectations of how you want things to go, and you’re setting yourself up for failure with this mindset. Keep your expectations rooted in reality if you want your new job to be the saving grace you’ve been praying for. 

For those wondering about their current job, the Seven of Pentacles reversed means you don’t want to be doing this job anymore. You think that you’ve been excelling at work — really doing your absolute best, but you don’t get even a simple “thank you”. You’re frustrated and coming in to work is more of a chore for you than it is fulfilling. Realign your expectations with reality and don’t be too impatient. 

If you are asking about whether or not you should switch industries, the Seven of Pentacles reversed means that you’ve had enough of the one you’re currently working in. When you think about it, you only get negative thoughts, so it’s better to jump ships now. It’s obvious that you feel like your time in this industry is over now. Something new may be just the thing needed to realign your expectations with reality and quell your frustrations with your job.

For those interested in starting a business, the Seven of Pentacles reversed means you’re expecting too much to happen, in too little time. Remember that building a successful business is a lengthy process that can span over a couple of years. Before you’ll get the dream self-running business that you want, it will take a long time of hard work and labor. If you accept that then by all means, go for it.

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For careers, the Seven of Pentacles represents patience. Successful careers are built on consistent actions over time. It takes time for it to develop, so don’t try to rush things. There is no need to be in a rush. Invest in your career and have patience. You will eventually see the fruit of your labor.

If you find yourself needing further clarity in your career matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on career and finances, as a neutral and objective third party.

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