The Eight of Swords is the card of helplessness, powerlessness, imprisonment, victimization, and feeling trapped. This card depicts a woman bound and blindfolded. Eight swords seem to be trapping her in place. However, if she took off her blindfold, she would see that she can walk away free. This is a symbol of limiting mindsets and beliefs.
The Eight of Swords reminds us that most of our issues around feeling trapped are mental in nature. If you are feeling trapped, open your eyes and look around. There may be another way out, if you just take initiative. This can be overcome. The Eight of Swords is a reminder that our mentality in terms of how we approach our relationships will often influence the success of the relationship.
If you are asking about how your ex feels about reconciling with you, and you draw the Eight of Swords, it means that they’re feeling a bit beaten down, and they are not in the right mind to consider it right now. Life has just been kicking them while they’re down, and they don’t know what to do about it. They feel like they’re out of choices and are terrified of taking responsibility if something goes wrong. They would rather continue to feel trapped than taking control and make a decision that might hurt them or someone in the future.
Eight of Swords as reconciliation is a sign that your ex has given up trying to take control of their life. They feel like they are a passive observer in their own life, They feel as if they hold no real power over what happens to them. They hate making decisions for themselves, but unless they start taking the lead and step out of their shell, they will remain in this negative mindset. They are just afraid of taking responsibility when something goes wrong in their life.
When your ex thinks about reconciliation with you, they feel like they want to reach out to you but are too scared to do so. They aren’t happy about your breakup, and they want to talk things over with you. However, their fear of making the wrong decision is stopping them from picking up their phone to reach out. Reconciliation is possible because it’s obvious that you’re on their mind, but unless they are able to break free from this caged thinking, it won’t happen.
If you’ve recently split up, Eight of Swords means that your ex is too trapped in their own mind at the moment. They weren’t able to overcome their fear of making decisions. Don’t be mistaken however. Your ex knows what they want, they are just too afraid to take the necessary steps to get to their end goal. They are thinking about you. Your breakup doesn’t sit well with them, and it’s possible for them to reach out to you once they overcome their fear.
If you’ve been in separation for a while, Eight of Swords means that your ex is still a prisoner to their own fears. They are still a passive participant in their own life, and it’s stopping them from coming back to you. They’re also feeling like there may be things you expect or want of them that they cannot fulfill. They find it hard to communicate their boundaries to you. If you want to reconcile, you’re going to have to put in an effort to break them from this way of thinking. You need to push them in the right direction.
If the two of you are still considering whether or not you should break up, Eight of Swords means that you just need to be patient with your partner. They are terrified of making decisions right now. They are hoping that you will take the lead in your relationship. Now, it’s not necessarily a bad thing for them to depend on you. However, this can create an unhealthy relationship environment. Try pushing your partner out of their shell and allow them to make decisions. Try to open up the lines of communication and allow them to speak what’s on their mind. It will be hard, but your partner really needs your help.
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If you are asking about how your ex feels about reconciling with you, and you draw the Eight of Swords reversed, it means that your ex is going through a period of enlightenment. They were previously feeling like they were trapped and that they couldn’t make decisions for themselves, but now, things are looking up. They are slowly overcoming their fear of decision-making. They have had enough being passive, and they are ready to step up to become an active participant in their own life.
Eight of Swords reversed as reconciliation is a sign that your ex has finally opened their eyes. They are now able to see things objectively, which opens them up to more difficult conversations. They are now more willing to speak about things, open up a line of communication, and discuss with you what went wrong in your relationship. Your ex no longer feels like a victim of their past. They are finally ready to look forward to the future, where they can take things into their own hands.
When your ex thinks about reconciliation with you, they feel like they are ready to try again. They’ve pinpointed some issues from your previous relationship. They have realized that for things to work out, they need to put in the effort for it too. They will no longer simply rely on you to make the tough decisions, and they will be more willing to help out. This is a great card if you were looking forward to reconciliation.
If you’ve recently split up, Eight of Swords reversed means that your ex couldn’t see the problem before, but now they can. They know what they want, and they are willing to put in the work to get it. Just be patient because this is a great sign that they will be reaching out to you soon. Don’t rush them though, this is their chance to finally take control over their life. Just allow them some time to think things through so that they can confidently approach you.
If you’ve been in separation for a while, Eight of Swords reversed means that your ex just needs a little more time to gather their thoughts. Remember, this is a huge moment of liberation for them. It took them a while to get to this point. Be happy for them because their mindset has just shifted into a more positive one. Don’t worry, they are definitely excited to get back to you, just give them time.
If the two of you are still considering whether or not you should break up, Eight of Swords reversed means that things are going to start looking up for your relationship. Your partner really wants to make this work. They understand that there are problems that need to be fixed and that they can only be fixed if they put in the effort. They want to work together with you to improve your relationship.
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For relationships and reconciliation, the Eight of Swords represents feeling trapped and suffocated. These feelings are often caused by our own false beliefs that hold us back. The Eight of Swords is a reminder that our attitude and approach is key to the success of the relationships we have with others.
If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.