King of Cups as Feelings Tarot Card Meaning Sibyl Tarot

The King of Cups is the card of wisdom, diplomacy, balance, devotion, and counseling. The king sits on his throne, holding a scepter in one hand and a large cup in the other. He is looking out into the world with confidence and maturity. He is balanced in his approach. He loves deeply, but is also able to know when something is no longer serving him. When it comes to those he loves, he is extremely devoted.

The King of Cups reminds us that in mature love, we always find a good balance between the head and the heart. The pinnacle of love is not in the early stages of infatuation, but is in the steadiness of a loyal devotion that only grows stronger with time. As you continue to emotionally mature, you will grow closer and closer to becoming the King of Cups and all he represents. 

Upright King of Cups as Feelings

If you are asking about how someone feels about you and you draw the King of Cups, it means that this person is feeling extremely devoted to you. They love you so much. They value you deeply, just as they would their own family. This person is emotionally mature and level headed. Even when things get hot, they can always keep a cool head while asking for what they need. 

This person is also feeling compassionate and understanding towards you. They recognize that we all make mistakes. We are only human. This person loves you despite all of your flaws. In fact, they find your flaws charming. They want to make you happy, and they want to make this relationship work. 

For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the King of Cups means that this person’s feelings towards you are very positive. They are feeling very devoted to you, despite having only known you for a short period of time. This person feels very kind-hearted and understanding. They find you utterly charming, flaws and all. They are excited to see where this relationship can go. 

For existing relationships, the King of Cups indicates that this person feels extremely devoted to you and your relationship. They have seen you at all points in time, whether you were at your best or at your very worst, and they still love you. They are emotionally mature and take a level headed approach to everything. Their love for you is also mature. They feel that they will be there for you through thick and thin. This is a wonderful place to be for any long-term relationship. 

If you are asking about an old flame or an ex’s feelings about you, the King of Cups indicates that they are able to look at your relationship now with a level head. As they think of you, they feel compassionate and understanding. They do not blame you for what happened between the two of you. At a deep level, they still love and care about you. If you are wondering about getting back together or reconciliation, the King of Cups is a sign that it is possible, but your ex wants to make sure that you are both emotionally mature before moving forward.  

In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the King of Cups is a great sign. Your person is feeling that your relationship is very mature, and they are ready for the next level of commitment. They can see themselves being devoted to you for the rest of their life. They love you deeply, and they are excited to take the next step forward.

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Reversed King of Cups as Feelings

When the King of Cups is reversed, it means that this person is feeling manipulative and selfish. They are lacking consistency in their words and actions. While they say that they want to do better, they do not show it in their actions. This person is very smart and cunning, and they know how to use your emotions against you. 

This person can also be feeling selfish to the point of being unenthused about the relationship. They may not be putting in the effort. They are feeling lazy and they are content to let you do the work. They are lacking emotional maturity. They don’t see the value in doing any more work if they can help it. 

For singles and those in new relationships, the King of Cups reversed is a sign of feeling selfish. This person is not emotionally mature, even though they are very emotionally intelligent. They know how to use people’s emotions against them. They lack consistency in their words and actions. There is an imbalance of effort between the two of you. This does not bode well for a long-term relationship.   

For those in committed relationships, the King of Cups reversed is a sign of feeling and acting selfish and manipulative in your relationship. Your partner may not be putting in the effort that your relationship needs to be successful. They are willing to let you do the work, because why do more work if they don’t have to? Your partner may also be emotionally abusive and manipulating you to get what they want. You need to set serious boundaries with your partner to course correct this relationship.  

If you are asking about an ex’s feelings about you, the King of Cups reversed means that they know that you are not over them, and they are using your feelings when it is convenient for them, for their own benefit. This person is someone who can promise you the world but never deliver. If you are wondering whether or not you should get back together with this person, this card is a sign to run the other way.  

In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the King of Cups reversed is a negative signal. Your partner is not emotionally mature enough to handle further commitment. They may tell you all of the right things because they know that’s what you want to hear, yet ultimately refuse to act. This can be very frustrating, especially if you are looking to push the relationship forward. However, know that you deserve someone who can deliver on their promises.   

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For relationships and feelings, the King of Cups represents emotional maturity and devotion. The King of Cups is the pinnacle of the suit of cups, which rules over emotions. His steadfast nature paired with his compassion makes him the ultimate symbol of how to treat others to cultivate deep love and loyalty. This card is a reminder that we can get to a place where we have a deep understanding of our emotions without being beholden to their every whim. 

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