The King of Swords is the card of reason, authority, discipline, integrity, morality, and high standards. This card depicts a king sitting on his throne while holding up a sword. He radiates intellectual power, clear thinking, truth, and authority. He has high standards for everyone around him, and he expects others to act with integrity. He takes his responsibilities towards others seriously.
The King of Swords reminds us that integrity is an important part of a successful relationship. Love is not just about our emotions, it is also about our actions towards others. Love is easy to say and hard to do. The King of Swords is a reminder to have high standards for ourselves and for others. We deserve love confirmed by actions, not just empty words.
If you are asking about how someone feels about you and you draw the King of Swords, it means that this person is feeling respectful of you. This person has high standards when it comes to romantic partners. It’s important to them that they treat you right. They want to be a good partner.
This person is also feeling like they have clarity around where they want the relationship to go. They are going to make their intentions known to you very clearly. This person values good communication and honesty.
For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the King of Swords means that this person’s feelings towards you are very positive. They are respectful of you, and they want to do right by you. They are clear about what they want and where they want this relationship to go. This is a good sign for a new relationship.
For existing relationships, the King of Swords indicates that this person feels that they want to do right by you and your relationship. It is extremely important to them that they do the right thing and treat you well. They feel that your overall communication is good, and they are clear on your shared vision of the future. This is an excellent sign for moving the relationship forward.
If you are asking about an old flame or an ex’s feelings about you, the King of Swords indicates that they feel that they have gained clarity around your relationship. Whether they want to move on completely or talk about potential reconciliation, this person will make their intentions known to you very clearly.
In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the King of Swords is a great sign. They want to do right by you and the relationship. They are clear on what they want, and they are ready to do what it takes to move the relationship forward. They take their responsibilities towards you very seriously.
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When the King of Swords is reversed, it means that this person is feeling cold, distant, and selfish. They are very smart, but they are using their intellect in selfish ways. They may be using words to manipulate and bully others. Sometimes, this person can be angry and controlling. They do not feel that acting honorably is important to them.
This person may also be feeling like it’s okay to lower their standards when it comes to love. They are not feeling as attentive to you. If they are cheating, they aren’t thinking of your feelings or caring about how this is a stain on their own integrity.
For singles and those in new relationships, the King of Swords reversed is a sign of feeling cold and distant. They aren’t connecting with you because they are feeling selfish right now. However, they are very smart and know how to use words to manipulate. This person’s intentions are not pure in nature. This is not a good sign for a budding relationship, and you should consider whether or not you want to move forward with this person.
For those in committed relationships, the King of Swords reversed is a sign of feeling like it is okay to have lowered standards in your relationship. They aren’t going out of their way to do nice things for you anymore. They may be feeling cold, distant, and selfish as well. They may be acting dishonorably in other ways as well. If this is a prolonged pattern, you may need to reconsider this relationship.
If you are asking about an ex’s feelings about you, the King of Swords reversed means that they feel like they no longer care. They may be rebounding from your relationship hard. They have lowered their standards, and they are okay with that. This is a sign that you should not consider reconciliation or getting back together at this time, because you deserve someone who treats you with respect.
In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the King of Swords reversed means that they are not being completely honest with you when it comes to moving the relationship forward. This person is very smart, and they know how to use words to lead someone on. However, their intentions are not pure. They may feel cold, distant, and even angry. You will know their true intentions by their actions, not their words.
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For relationships and feelings, the King of Swords represents having integrity and high standards. Know what you deserve, and release the toxic people who are no longer serving you. We deserve love confirmed by actions, not just empty words. The card is a reminder that love is not just about feelings, it is also about actions. Love is a verb.
If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.