The Knight of Swords is the card of assertiveness, impatience, focus, daring, and ambition. This card shows a knight charging forward on his horse. His sword is flying through the air. This is a man who waits for no one. He is focused and he is fearless. He knows what he wants and he does what it takes to get it.
The Knight of Swords is a reminder that a take-charge attitude can be necessary to achieve our goals. As they say, you miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take. When it comes to the things we most desire in life, this card urges us to go for it. How will they know that you love them if you don’t tell them? Seize the day. You can do this.
If you are asking about how someone feels about you and you draw the Knight of Swords, it means that this person is feeling very determined and focused. This person knows what they want, and they are willing to do what it takes to get it. This person is feeling confident about themselves.
This person may also be feeling restless and impatient. They feel extremely driven. They don’t want to wait or slow down. They need what they need, and they need it right now. While this can be an admirable trait, their ruthlessness can cause trouble later if they are stepping over others to get what they want.
For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Knight of Swords means that this person is feeling very confident about you and your relationship. They are convinced that you’re the one that they want, and they are extremely driven to make things work. This is a good sign for their enthusiasm in your budding relationship.
For existing relationships, the Knight of Swords indicates that this person feels driven to make your relationship work, but that they are also feeling restless and impatient. They know that you’re the one for them, and they want things to be happy between you. Sometimes, their impatience gets the better of them. They need to learn how to consider your needs and timing as well. An open conversation about this will make them aware of it.
If you are asking about an old flame or an ex’s feelings about you, the Knight of Swords indicates that they feel restless and impatient to get you back. They feel determined to get you back. This is a good sign for a potential reconciliation, if you are interested in getting back together.
In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Knight of Swords is a great sign. This person knows that they want to take your relationship to the next level, and they are impatient to get it done. Now is a good time to start discussions on the topic at hand.
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When the Knight of Swords is reversed, it means that this person is feeling aggressive and controlling. They may even be a bully and verbally abusive. They feel convinced that they are right, and they strongarm others into doing their will, regardless of the other person’s feelings. Sometimes, they love to start arguments to start drama and stir the pot.
This person is also feeling very little sympathy and understanding right now. Rather than being empathetic about other people’s feelings, they are hyperfocused on themselves. They are feeling rather selfish right now.
For singles and those in new relationships, the Knight of Swords reversed is a sign of feeling aggressive and controlling. This person has a compulsive need to be right, and they are convinced that it’s their way or the highway. If you have been experiencing conflicts and communication issues with this person, it’s a good time to consider whether or not this person is truly a good fit for you.
For those in committed relationships, the Knight of Swords reversed is a sign of feeling controlling in your relationship. Every couple has their fair share of arguments and disagreements. But it’s important to understand each other’s feelings and make each other feel heard. Your partner is having trouble making you feel heard right now. You need to figure out if this is fixable, or if it is simply a consistent pattern that pervades your relationship with this person.
If you are asking about an ex’s feelings about you, the Knight of Swords reversed means that they are still hung up on you, and they are feeling extremely angry about how the relationship ended. They lost their sense of control over you, and this bugs them to no end. This is a sign that any attempts at reconciliation will likely be unsuccessful until this person changes their attitude and perspective.
In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Knight of Swords reversed means that they are feeling like they will dictate the terms of how your relationship will go moving forward. In other words, they are interested less in how this excites you, but more of how this benefits them and when it most benefits them. They need to remember that a relationship is a partnership.
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For relationships and feelings, the Knight of Swords represents assertiveness and confidence. Sometimes people get what they want just by being quick and bold. This card is a reminder to ask for what you need. Don’t hesitate to make a decision and be bold in your approach. You might just be surprised by what happens next.
If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.