The Nine of Cups is the card of wishes coming true, contentment, satisfaction, achievements, and success. This card depicts a man sitting with nine cups around him. He is smiling and looks very satisfied. He is content with what he has. The cups around him represent emotional fulfillment.
The Nine of Cups reminds us that wishes do come true and that success will come your way. Emotional fulfillment exists, and you deserve it all. The Universe is a place of abundance, and this abundance was meant for you. The Nine of Cups reminds us to never settle for less than what we deserve. If you are still looking for emotional fulfillment, know that it is out there and waiting for you.
If you are asking about how someone feels about you and you draw the Nine of Cups, it means that this person is feeling loved by you and they are grateful for you and your love. You are their dream come true. They were looking for emotional fulfillment, and when they found you, they knew that you were the one for them.
This person also feels cheerful and in a celebratory mood. They want to celebrate all of life’s victories with you. They want to show you off to everyone else around them. They are looking forward to the future with you. They feel incredibly close with you right now, and they are so excited to see what the future holds for the two of you.
For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Nine of Cups means that this person’s feelings towards you are very positive. They are grateful to have met you. They weren’t expecting to meet you, but when they did, they knew that you were the one for them. Meeting you was like having a long-time wish fulfilled. They are excited to see what a future with you will bring. This is a great sign for any budding relationship.
For existing relationships, the Nine of Cups indicates that this person feels that your relationship is at a very happy place right now. Your relationship has been hitting all of the right notes for them. Everything they wanted in a relationship, they are experiencing right now with you. They feel incredibly happy and content. They feel very close to you right now, and they trust you with their life. They are excited to see what the future holds for the two of you.
If you are asking about an old flame or an ex’s feelings about you, the Nine of Cups indicates that they still hold a torch for you. They feel like you mean the world to them. They are not over your relationship or how it ended. They still believe that you represent total emotional fulfillment for them. If you are wondering if reconciliation or getting back together is in the cards, this is a very positive sign.
In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Nine of Cups is a great sign. This person feels incredibly at ease with you. They feel very close to you, and they are very grateful for you. They know that they are very blessed to have you in their life. They see you in their future very clearly, and they are ready to move your relationship forward to the next level.
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When the Nine of Cups is reversed, it means that this person is feeling like although you tick all of the boxes, something is missing in your relationship right now. They are feeling that the two of you haven’t been as close lately as they would have wished. Perhaps the day-to-day mundane things are getting in the way of a deeper connection .
This person may also be feeling like they have been so wrapped up in your relationship that they haven’t had the personal space that they’ve needed to grow. They feel like they have been distracting themselves from doing the important inner work that they need to do in order to be happy. Let them invest in this shadow work, because it will bring dividends in the future.
For singles and those in new relationships, the Nine of Cups reversed is a sign of feeling like there is something missing. This person believes that they should be fulfilled with you. You check all of the boxes, and you look great on paper. However, there feels like there is something that is getting in the way of you two developing a deeper connection. The problem could very well be on their end, if they are still holding onto past baggage or refusing to do the shadow work they need to do in order to grow.
For those in committed relationships, the Nine of Cups reversed is a sign of feeling like your relationship is missing something. Your partner feels like the two of you haven’t been as close lately. Perhaps the day-to-day of being together has gotten in the way of excitement and sparks. Or perhaps your partner is feeling like they are needing some space to develop as an individual. Do not worry or fret over this. This can be resolved through an open and honest conversation, if you can get onto the same page about what you both need out of this.
If you are asking about an ex’s feelings about you, the Nine of Cups reversed means that they feel like they were so wrapped up in your relationship that they weren’t given the space to grow as an individual. They wanted to be closer to you because you meant so much to them, but they are going through some internal issues that they need to sort out right now. Let them do their shadow work and then see where they’re at. Once they are in a good place, they will be in the right mindset to consider reconciliation or getting back together.
In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Nine of Cups reversed means that they are feeling like there are still gaps for the two of you to overcome before making a larger commitment. Although you check all the boxes for them and you would be the perfect match on paper, something feels missing to them. They may be afraid of their feelings. They may be scared to commit to forever, because forever is final. Now is the perfect time to have an honest conversation and really listen to them. This can still be turned around, because they do truly love you.
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For relationships and feelings, the Nine of Cups represents emotional fulfillment and contentment. Wishes do come true, and dreams are realized. True happiness and emotional satisfaction is out there, and you should not settle for anything less than you deserve. Wholeness, harmony, belonging, and abundance were meant to be yours.
If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.