The Nine of Swords is the card of anxiety, fear, negativity, breaking points, isolation, and despair. The card shows a woman sitting up in bed with her head in her hands. She seems to have been awakened from a terrible nightmare, and she is having trouble falling back asleep. The swords hang on the wall behind her, indicating all of the negative emotions and thoughts that are weighing heavily on her mind.
The Nine of Swords reminds us that worrying excessively over a situation is not useful. Worrying does nothing to actually help the situation improve, and only makes you feel worse. Most of our worst fears will never materialize. Much of our suffering and anguish is mental and self-inflicted. Make sure that you are not letting your own limiting beliefs hold you back from happiness. The Nine of Swords reminds us that it is up to us to break the cycle.
If you are asking about how your ex feels about reconciling with you, and you draw the Nine of Swords, it means that your ex is really struggling mentally right now. They are in a pretty dark place where they are consumed by feelings of guilt, anxiety, insecurity, and overall mental health issues. They know that there is something wrong with them and their mindset, but they don’t know how to break free from it.
Now, it’s completely possible that you had no hand in influencing their thoughts. This is self-inflicted, so don’t blame yourself. Their current thoughts may not be rooted in reality and are filled with over exaggerations of their negative thoughts. However, to them, they believe that what they are thinking is true. Their feelings are very real and very scary for them.
Nine of Swords as reconciliation is a sign of your ex’s inability to think rationally at the moment. Your ex’s insecurity is basically eating them alive. They need reassurance, but even so, they will still prefer to believe their own thoughts. Their mental state is in a really bad spot right now, and it would be good to push them into going to therapy, not just for your desire to reconcile, but also just for their wellbeing.
When your ex thinks about reconciliation with you, they feel scared. Again, their thoughts are very dark right now. They are constantly beating themselves up over things they’ve done, and they are drowning in insecurity and guilt. Everything they are dealing with at the moment is internal. They will need to learn to stop putting themselves down. Professional help is probably going to be the best way for them to get help.
If you’ve recently split up, Nine of Swords means that your ex doesn’t know how to break free from their mind. They are in pain about your breakup, it really, really hurt them. They know that they must do something to fix things, but they don’t know how or what to do. Reconciliation is possible, but only if they can break out of their cycle.
If you’ve been in separation for a while, Nine of Swords means that your ex really needs support right now. Please try to push them to get professional help. Breaking out of their cycle alone will be very hard and since most of it is self-inflicted, their chances of recovery will be lower if they have to do everything alone.
If the two of you are still considering whether or not you should break up, Nine of Swords means that your partner is struggling to see the bright future ahead of you two. Allow them to open up to you about what they are thinking and try to support them as much as you can. Give them reassurance and let them know that you will be staying by their side no matter what. Again, professional help is going to be the best course of action, so try to convince your partner to go to therapy. Your partner really needs you right now, but if it’s getting too much for you, then let them down slowly.
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If you are asking about how your ex feels about reconciling with you, and you draw the Nine of Swords reversed, it means that they have finally broken free from their mind. They are finally free from their negative thoughts. They were dealing with many things on their own, but now, they have realized that there is no need for them to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and that it is alright to share their thoughts with others.
Nine of Swords reversed as reconciliation is a sign of progress. Your ex is finally ready to accept help from others and is no longer going to be a victim to their own mind. They’ve learned that the people around them have nothing but love and support for them. They are willing to rely on others for help now. This is a huge step forward for them.
When your ex thinks about reconciliation with you, they feel ready to share their burdens with you. The pain of the past was plaguing them, but they are now ready to let that go. They were holding on to a lot of fears and anxieties that stopped them from healing, however, they are ready to let this pain go. They are done suffering alone and this is a great sign that signifies that they are going to be looking for you. They want and value your support and love and will be reaching out to you soon.
If you’ve recently split up, Nine of Swords reversed means that they are open to talking things through now. They are ready to face the truth. They want someone to share the ups and downs of life with, and they feel like it’s you. They admire your honesty, and they would love to hear what you have to say. They will definitely be reaching out to you soon as they see you as an important part of their future.
If you’ve been in separation for a while, Nine of Swords reversed means that they trust you. They know that you will bring good into their life and that you will provide them with the support they need. They are tired of being alone, and they want someone by their side. Be happy for them because it took a lot for them to get to this point.
If the two of you are still considering whether or not you should break up, Nine of Swords reversed means that your partner is ready to open up to you. They were keeping a lot of things to themselves and it probably caused a lot of problems in your relationship. They’ve realized the fault of their ways, and they are ready to open up to you and rely on you for support. This is a good card to get for struggling relationships because it means that communication will now be open. You’ll be able to freely communicate and air things out. Stick with your partner because things can only go up from here.
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For relationships and reconciliation, the Nine of Swords represents mental anguish and despair. Much of our suffering is self-inflicted. Make sure that you are not subconsciously allowing your own limiting beliefs to hold you back from being happy. The Nine of Swords is a reminder that we can break the cycle.
If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.