Page of Cups as Feelings Tarot Card Meaning Sibyl Tarot

The Page of Cups is the card of idealism, innocence, sensitivity, and dreamy love. This card shows a young page holding out a cup. He is dressed in royal finery. This indicates his status, but also shows his youth and bravado. Surprisingly, a fish is coming out of the cup, instead of water. This represents the page’s active imagination and sense of humor.  

The Page of Cups reminds us that young love may be naive and idealistic, but is also sweet and kind. It is part of the human experience, and it is a stage that is apparent in any relationship. The Page of Cups reminds us to meet the world with the eyes and heart of our inner child, because they are looking to create a better world. 

Upright Page of Cups as Feelings

If you are asking about how someone feels about you and you draw the Page of Cups, it means that this person is feeling dreamily in love with you. They are infatuated. They are feeling the early stages of love for you, where everything is clouded in optimism. They are looking at your relationship with fresh eyes and childlike fascination. Everything seems delightfully novel to them. They are overpowered by their sense of wonder and awe.

They may also be experiencing a newfound appreciation for you. They do not have to be new to your relationship in order to have these feelings for you. They may simply be looking at your relationship in a new way, with rose-colored glasses. They feel happy and childlike when they are with you. They feel that you bring out their inner child. 

For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Page of Cups means that this person’s feelings towards you are very rosy. They are feeling infatuated with you. They feel absolutely dreamily in love. They feel very optimistic about your future together. You’ve opened their eyes to what new love feels like. They are looking at everything with fresh eyes and childlike fascination. This is a great start to a new relationship, but remember that infatuation does not last forever. Make sure that you have something solid to stand on for the long run. 

For existing relationships, the Page of Cups indicates that this person feels that your relationship is at a very happy place right now. Though you’ve been dating for some time, they are still able to see your relationship with a fresh perspective. Now and then, they still feel overpowered by their sense of wonder and awe for you. They appreciate what they have, and they are feeling great about your relationship. 

If you are asking about an old flame or an ex’s feelings about you, the Page of Cups indicates that they are looking at your old relationship with rose-colored glasses. They regret having broken up with you. They miss you. They realize how good they had it. If you are wondering if reconciliation is a possibility, know that your ex is thinking about getting back together. However, make sure that their reasons are rooted in reality and not just dreams, otherwise it will just return to the same cycles of conflict. 

In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Page of Cups is a sign that this person feels good about it. This person is infatuated with you and they are viewing the future through the feelings of dreamy love. They can see a beautiful future with you. 

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Reversed Page of Cups as Feelings

When the Page of Cups is reversed, it means that this person is feeling insecure and frustrated. This card is a sign that they are feeling emotionally immature right now. They may react negatively to any situation by throwing a temper tantrum. They desperately need love and they want to be loved, but they don’t know how to ask for it or show it to others. 

This person may also be feeling shy, hesitant, and a little awkward. Though they are well meaning, they do not know how to express themselves or their feelings. They may be feeling overwhelmed by their emotions right now. They are struggling to find their footing when it comes to their feelings. 

For singles and those in new relationships, the Page of Cups reversed is a sign of feeling overwhelmed by their emotions. They may be feeling insecure and frustrated. Although they like you a lot and have a lot of feelings for you, if they do not know how to express themselves, this can be counterproductive for them. This person desperately wants to be loved back, but they do not know how to ask for it or show it. This person may be less emotionally immature than you. They will need to do their own shadow work in order to bring their best self into the relationship. 

For those in committed relationships, the Page of Cups reversed is a sign of feeling insecure and frustrated in the relationship. Your partner may be struggling to express themselves properly to you and communicating their needs. They need your attention and love right now, but may only be capable of demonstrating it in a negative way, by throwing temper tantrums. Reassure your partner that you love them, but also remember that it is their responsibility to learn how to handle their emotions. In the long run, that’s what you need to have a successful relationship.  

If you are asking about an ex’s feelings about you, the Page of Cups reversed means that they are still harboring pain about your past relationship. They are responding to the breakup poorly. Being emotionally immature, they feel like acting out. Though they desperately want to be loved, they do not know how to ask for it. If you are wondering whether reconciliation is in the cards, know that true reconciliation cannot happen until your ex matures emotionally. That is what is needed to have a secure and successful relationship. 

In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Page of Cups reversed means that they are feeling like there are still gaps for the two of you to overcome before making a larger commitment. Though they may want to take your relationship to the next level, they need to work on their own emotional maturity in order for this to work out in the long term. This person needs to work on their follow through. Though they say and promise many things, they need to back this up with their actions. 

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For relationships and feelings, the Page of Cups represents the dreamy stage of infatuation and young love. Although this love may not yet be mature, it is sweet and kind in its gentle nature. It is idealistic and somewhat naive. The Page of Cups reminds us that this is a natural stage of young love. It is deserving of celebration in its own way. But let it not go overboard, or it will show its immature nature.  

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