Page of Swords as Love Outcome Tarot Card Meaning Sibyl Tarot

The Page of Swords is the card of communication, curiosity, wit, inspiration, and communications. This card depicts a young man standing with his sword pointed up to the sky. Though his sword is pointed in one direction, he is actively looking around in all directions to see what else is happening around him. He looks both determined and defiant. 

The Page of Swords reminds us that communication is a big part of love and life. We are happy when we love talking with our partner. We are excited when we are inspired by new ideas, wit, and humor. The Page of Swords is a reminder that attraction of the mind is just as important as attraction of the physical body.

Upright Page of Swords as Love Outcome

If you are asking about what is the outcome of a relationship, and you draw the Page of Swords, that means that the relationship is mentally stimulating. While this is not the most romantic energy, this is positive nonetheless. There’s never a boring moment in this relationship. It is astrologically associated with a youthful interpretation of the energy of the Air signs. You may enjoy witty banter as a form of flirting or foreplay. There is more to this relationship than physical attraction.

The Page of Swords as love outcome is a sign of integrity. This is a relationship that honors loyalty, fairness, and honesty. Even though this is an immature energy which doesn’t promise long-term commitment, at least your person will be honest about it. This is the energy of a person who clearly states they just “want a hook-up” on their dating app profile, which can be disappointing but at least they’re not leading you on. On the other hand, when they do express interest in something more, you can trust that they mean it. Your person is straightforward and transparent, and they expect the same from you.

If you are wondering about a potential relationship, the Page of Swords as love outcome means an honest relationship. This is a relationship with a well-meaning person. They may not be in a position to offer long-term commitment, but they have every intention of honoring the relationship no matter what level the relationship is at. They show interest by being inquisitive, asking you for your opinions on things, or how your day went. They’re genuinely curious about the people they care about. While this is no guarantee of a higher level of commitment, this is an overall positive card to draw in a love reading, even if it’s not typically considered a romance card.

If you are in a new relationship, the Page of Swords as love outcome means a clear-cut relationship. Your person is transparent and honest with their expectations, and the direction this relationship might go, and they expect the same from you. If they say they want to date exclusively, they mean it. Don’t pressure this person into moving to a higher level of commitment if they’ve indicated they’re only ready for casual dating. This person doesn’t play games, they say what they mean, and mean what they say. They also like their space, so give them space to pursue or study their many intellectual interests.

If you are in an existing relationship, the Page of Swords as love outcome means you have clarity about the status of your relationship. You and your person are on the same page on where the relationship is going. Neither of you are directionless or confused about where it’s headed. One of you may have a different idea, or wish for the relationship to progress faster. However, even if this were the case, both of you are open and forthcoming about your expectations. If one is unable to meet the other’s expectations, they are also transparent about why this may not be feasible right now.

If you are currently in separation with each other, the Page of Swords as love outcome means the two of you are being analytical and making plans. If you are separated by distance, both of you are weighing the pros and cons of your plans to be together in the same location. You’re planning on ways that one of you could relocate, or regularly visit each other. You’re being very logical about the logistics. If you are inquiring about an ex you’re interested in reconciling with, your person is analyzing and trying to understand why things happened the way it did. They may not be in the most mature energy, but their heart is in the right place.

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Reversed Page of Swords as Love Outcome

If you are asking about what is the outcome of a relationship, and you draw the Page of Swords reversed, that means that there could be issues with dishonesty in your relationship. Your person isn’t forthcoming, and you may even get a sense that they’re hiding something. Note that the Page of Swords is youthful energy, so their brand of “dishonesty” may be fibbing or telling little white lies. Maybe they’re embarrassed about a hobby, interest, or even kinks. This person may hide that they follow a load of attractive people on social media, but it’s unlikely that they’re hiding a whole spouse and family. Set boundaries, as only you get to decide what kind of fibs or what level of dishonesty you will tolerate.

The Page of Swords reversed as love outcome is a sign of mistrust. One or both of you could have stalkerish tendencies. Drawn upright, the Page of Swords is a curious and intellectual energy. However, when drawn in the reverse, the Page’s energy shifts from a healthy inquisitiveness to obsessive nosiness. They may demand to know what you’re doing, and with whom you’re doing it with, at all times. This may become an issue if you’re in a long-distance relationship, where this sort of behavior can feel suffocating.

If you are wondering about a potential relationship, the Page of Swords reversed as love outcome means one of you could be misled in this relationship. Be mindful of doing your full research on your potential person. If necessary, do a background check. Make sure that your person is who they say they are, and that they’re not misrepresenting themselves. Do they have a boyfriend or girlfriend tucked away in another city? Have they not deactivated their online dating profile after promising to go exclusive with you?

If you are in a new relationship, the Page of Swords reversed as love outcome means an inability to be fully honest. It’s perfectly normal to feel a little insecure, or like you can’t be yourself, at the beginning of a relationship. However, for this card to come out in a reading, you or your person could take this inability to a whole other level. Because this is page energy, the lies this person tells might not be that big. For example, they could tell little white lies to avoid offending you, they’ll fib to prevent you getting paranoid. But no matter how big or small a lie is, it will eventually get tiresome, and cause resentment and exhaustion in the long run. So, the advice here is to be as open as possible to each other very early on in the relationship.

If you are in an existing relationship, the Page of Swords reversed as love outcome means being in a directionless relationship. Page energy in a reading for a long-term relationship, can often indicate one or both parties being unable or unwilling to enter into a higher level of commitment.  Another thing that this card may indicate is a lack of honesty. While this card does not typically indicate bigger lies such as cheating, it can point to habitual lying. The Page’s energy can indicate lying out of fear of rejection or causing offense. Whatever the case may be, the lack of honesty needs to be addressed for this relationship to be something healthy.

If you are currently in separation with each other, the Page of Swords reversed as love outcome means obsessive behavior. If you are separated by distance, this card’s energies can go two ways: your person could become a bit stalkerish and controlling if they lack trust in you. Or, your person could be dishonest in what they’re doing when you’re not around. If you are inquiring about an ex you’re interested in reconciling with, your person is being downright immature. They have no intentions of doing the right thing, or they’re acting selfishly. If you give this person another chance, don’t expect this person to change or have grown up. They know better, but they simply don’t want to do better.

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For love readings, the Page of Swords represents mental attraction and wit. A good relationship has physical attraction and mental attraction. When you have an inspiring partner who really connects with you on an intellectual level, it is a beauty to behold. The Page of Swords is a reminder of this aspect of love. 

If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.

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