The Two of Cups is the card of partnership, connection, unity, and attraction. The card shows a man and a woman exchanging cups and declaring their love for each other. They are engaged in a ceremony, perhaps exchanging vows at a wedding. For love and relationships, this is one of the most auspicious cards to get.
The Two of Cups reminds us that connection and mutual partnership is critical to any relationship in life. This card indicates a partnership that is built on a strong union. Each party is giving their all. For a relationship to succeed in the long term, two must become one. The Two of Cups is a reminder that in a relationship, it is not about “me,” but about “we.”
If you are asking about how someone feels about you and you draw the Two of Cups, it means that this person is feeling very connected to you. They believe that the two of you can form a strong partnership together. They see you stronger together rather than alone. They feel that a relationship will be mutually beneficial, one where each of you encourage another to do and be their very best.
They are also feeling like they trust you a lot. They feel very cooperative right now. They want to work together to reach your mutual goals. They feel deeply connected to you, and they want to strengthen the bonds you have. They may also be feeling very romantic right now. Think chocolate and roses.
For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Two of Cups means that this person’s feelings towards you are very positive. They feel deeply connected with you. They may be in a very romantic mood right now. They believe that a relationship with you is great, because your partnership will help each individual grow. This is a great mindset to have coming into a new relationship.
For existing relationships, the Two of Cups indicates that this person feels that your relationship is at a very happy place right now. They feel that the two of you are deeply in tune with each other’s needs. They know that they can do anything with your support and love. They truly feel like they have become a better person by being with you. If you are looking to take your relationship to the next level, they are feeling the same way.
If you are asking about an old flame or an ex’s feelings about you, the Two of Cups indicates that they are thinking about getting back together with you. They have come to realize that your relationship was a great partnership. They became a better person through it. They miss you, and they miss feeling connected to you. If you are looking for a sign or wondering whether or not there is reconciliation potential here, this is it.
In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Two of Cups is a great sign. This card is about unions and partnerships, and nothing says that more than engagement and marriage. Your partner feels very connected to you, and they are very interested in taking your relationship to the next level. They know that they are a better person when they are with you.
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When the Two of Cups is reversed, it means that this person is feeling codependent and unable to develop as an individual. They may feel like the balance between you and them is heavily weighted too much in one direction. They may feel like they went all in on love at the expense of everything else.
This person may be feeling like they want to explore themselves as an individual. The partnership in a relationship is important, but so is each individual’s individuality. They may feel suffocated and in need of some alone time.
For singles and those in new relationships, the Two of Cups reversed is a sign of feeling hesitant about committing to a partnership when they have not yet developed as an individual. This person is at a stage in their life where they are trying to figure out who they are as a person. Though they like the idea of being in a relationship, when actually confronted with the opportunity, they are scared of their feelings.
For those in committed relationships, the Two of Cups reversed is a sign of feeling codependent in your relationship. This person feels like the power dynamic between you two is lopsided. There is an imbalance in your relationship. You should work together to find out what the root cause is and then see what you can do to make it right. Remember that it’s important to be a couple, but also to develop as individuals. Perhaps they feel like they’ve sacrificed their career or their friends or their hobbies. For this to work out in the long term, they need to be able to feel like they have a good balance in life.
If you are asking about an ex’s feelings about you, the Two of Cups reversed means that they miss you, but they want to spend some time exploring themselves as an individual. They are trying to figure out who they are as a person. If you are wondering whether you’ll get back together or if there is a possibility for reconciliation, this is a sign that you must let them walk their own individual journey first. Once they are grounded in who they are, you can begin a new and more mature relationship.
In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Two of Cups reversed means that they are feeling like your relationship needs to be more balanced before they can move forward. Perhaps one of you is financially dependent on the other. Or, this dependence could be emotional as well. Once you’ve achieved harmony and balance in your relationship, it will make it easier for them to move forward.
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For relationships and feelings, the Two of Cups represents connection and unity. There is a shared partnership here in this card. The Two of Cups is not about the individual, but about the partnership. You can achieve so much more together than alone. A relationship is about the “we,” not the me.”
If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.