Two of Cups as Reconciliation Tarot Card Meaning Sibyl Tarot

The Two of Cups is the card of partnership, connection, unity, and attraction. The card shows a man and a woman exchanging cups and declaring their love for each other. They are engaged in a ceremony, perhaps exchanging vows at a wedding. For love and relationships, this is one of the most auspicious cards to get.

The Two of Cups reminds us that connection and mutual partnership is critical to any relationship in life. This card indicates a partnership that is built on a strong union. Each party is giving their all. For a relationship to succeed in the long term, two must become one. The Two of Cups is a reminder that in a relationship, it is not about “me,” but about “we.”

Upright Two of Cups as Reconciliation

If you are asking about how your ex feels about reconciling with you, and you draw the Two of Cups, it means that your ex felt very connected with you, and the connection still remains even after splitting up. They believe that they are stronger when they’re by your side, rather than when they’re alone. Your relationship was also a very healthy one where you were both able to give and take an equal amount — a mutually beneficial relationship.

Two of Cups as reconciliation is a sign of trust. Even now, they trust you and believe in your goals. Your relationship has a strong bond and respect that exists even as you’re separated. They still see you in a positive light and they are excited to see where your relationship can go this time around. There are goals that you both set together that your ex still wants to achieve.

When your ex thinks about reconciliation with you, they feel supportive and in love. There is no doubt about it, your ex is still very much in love with you. You were such a positive impact on their life and your presence always pushed them to become the best version of themselves, and they love that. Your spirits are definitely in tune and you both complete each other. They’re in a romantic mood as well so expect them to show up at your door with roses and a box of chocolates. 

If you’ve recently split up, Two of Cups means that your ex has made a mistake. Now that you’re split up, they immediately realized that it was wrong to break up with you and are going to reconcile with you sooner rather than later. Your relationship was amazing, and they want another shot. This time around, they’re sure that it will work out.

If you’ve been in separation for a while, Two of Cups means that it just took your ex a little more time to realize how good your relationship was. Time apart was good, but they’ve had enough. They are ready to come back to your side. They are looking forward to achieving your mutual relationship goals and supporting you in your personal goals.

If the two of you are still considering whether or not you should break up, Two of Cups means that your relationship can still go far. Very far. Your partner feels like they are a better person when they are with you, and I’m sure that you can say the same. Take a moment to reflect and rediscover the beauty of your relationship because you may just be blinded at the moment. Work through whatever you’re going through because your partner is willing to support you through anything, so don’t be afraid to open up. You have an amazing relationship and it’s possible that you two will end up married in the future.

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Reversed Two of Cups as Reconciliation

If you are asking about how your ex feels about reconciling with you, and you draw the Two of Cups reversed, it means that your ex feels too tied down. While you were together, the relationship was so intense that it felt like your ex lost their sense of individuality. They truly did love you and loved your relationship but at the expense of losing themselves. 

Two of Cups reversed as reconciliation is a sign of codependency. Your ex doesn’t know who they are as a person anymore and it bothers them. There was an imbalance in your relationship and the power was more swayed to one side. Now that they are alone, they feel like they can finally take a deep breath of fresh air. It feels like a heavy weight was lifted off of their chest, and it makes them feel way better.

When your ex thinks about reconciliation with you, they feel like they need time alone. Your ex doesn’t hate you or think of you negatively. They actually miss you, but they do feel like they cannot grow as a person when they are with you. Your relationship was good, but it was suffocating. Being together was nice, but they did so at the cost of losing friends, dropping hobbies, or sacrificing their career. Now, they’ve realized that they no longer want that for themselves. 

If you’ve recently split up, Two of Cups reversed means that your ex needs some time alone. While they feel bad about not having you around anymore, they do not regret the breakup. In the end, they feel like this separation was needed to give them the space they need to grow more as a person. Reconciliation is possible, but it is not happening anytime soon. Your ex needs time to rediscover who they are and the best thing you can do right now is to give them space and time. 

If you’ve been in separation for a while, Two of Cups reversed means that they are still searching for themselves. They want to better themselves before pursuing a relationship with you again because they are afraid of the same thing happening again. They are learning to enjoy their own company again along with how to build their own identity. Once they find themselves, reconciliation is definitely possible.

If the two of you are still considering whether or not you should break up, Two of Cups reversed means that you need to take a step back and ask yourself if there truly is a power imbalance in your relationship. It is essential that you and your partner are able to find balance because if this continues, separation may be the better choice. A relationship is amazing to have but never at the cost of losing yourself. Identify the root cause of the power balance, and work together to fix this. Your relationship is one that can go far once these issues are resolved.

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For relationships and reconciliation, the Two of Cups represents connection and unity. There is a shared partnership here in this card. The Two of Cups is not about the individual, but about the partnership. You can achieve so much more together than alone. A relationship is about the “we,” not the me.”

If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.

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