Two of Pentacles as Reconciliation Tarot Card Meaning Sibyl Tarot

The Two of Pentacles is the card of balance, adaptation, resourcefulness, and flexibility. This card features a man juggling two pentacles in the air while dancing. He is trying to keep his balancing act going. He could go on forever, as long as he balances everything well and keeps it all in harmony. 

The Two of Pentacles reminds us that balance and harmony are key aspects to a successful relationship. If we go to either extreme, things around us may crash and burn. That’s not to say that it is easy to juggle all of one’s responsibilities. The Two of Pentacles is a reminder that we have to prioritize. 

Upright Two of Pentacles as Reconciliation

If you are asking about how your ex feels about reconciling with you, and you draw the Two of Pentacles, it means your ex wants nothing but a nicely balanced and harmonious relationship with you. They want to even things out and make things right between the two of you. They are willing to go out of their way to adapt and heal the relationship. However, be mindful that they could have a lot going on in their lives right now. So, reconciliation may not be a priority even though they want to smooth things out with you.

Two of Pentacles as reconciliation is a sign of learning to be there for each other. This is a relationship where both parties are adaptable, flexible, and tolerant of each other. Healing this relationship would require addressing issues of imbalance. However, one or both of you could be going through a lot. This could pertain to work, career, or other family obligations.

When your ex thinks about reconciliation with you, they feel optimistic about how they want to proceed. They have weighed the pros and the cons of being with you, and they’re hopeful. Although they are busy, they’re trying to juggle their obligations with making the relationship work with you. Your ex wants to accommodate and ensure your needs are met. They are trying to make you a priority in their life.

If you’ve recently split up, Two of Pentacles means they are having conflicting thoughts and feelings about you. On the one hand, they still feel the sting of the breakup. They might think that it’s “too soon” for a reconciliation. But on the other hand, they also miss the sense of balance you gave this person in their lives.

If you’ve been in separation for a while, Two of Pentacles means your person is often drawn to think about the past. They miss how you complemented their life and completed them. Your ex thinks a lot about the positives and negatives of potentially reconciling with you. They also could have a lot going on in their lives right now. This person wishes they could make you a priority in their life.

If the two of you are still considering whether or not you should break up, Two of Pentacles means the two of you could benefit from having a level-headed, constructive discussion. This card is about balancing things out and seeing things from both sides. The two of you could be realigning your visions and goals for your future in a realistic manner. Work on how each of you can accommodate each others’ needs. Develop a dynamic of equal give and take. Be flexible. This is a relationship with potential to work out.

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Reversed Two of Pentacles as Reconciliation

If you are asking about how your ex feels about reconciling with you, and you draw the Two of Pentacles reversed, it means your ex is extremely overwhelmed with life right now. In fact, their busy life could have been one of the factors that contributed to your breakup. They are not in a position to be making any promises when it comes to relationships. Your person is stressed out. It might be a good idea to give them space and time until they’re ready to invest in a relationship.

Two of Pentacles reversed as reconciliation is a sign of feeling off-balance in life in general. They have a lot going on in their world causing them stress and anxiety. Your person could be juggling responsibilities at work. Or your person could have other obligations such as caring for elderly parents or children from a previous marriage. You may not be a priority at this moment.

When your ex thinks about reconciliation with you, they feel they are not ready to emotionally invest in trying to make your relationship work at the moment. Your person could also face time constraints, limiting the time they can spend with you. They feel out of balance in their life in general. Open and honest communication about what you want might help, but be understanding with them. They wish they had the choice to make you a priority.

If you’ve recently split up, Two of Pentacles reversed means the breakup threw them off balance. They are deeply affected by what happened. Your ex could feel scattered and disoriented, if you were a stabilizing influence in their life. Other areas in their life such as work responsibilities or finances are adding to their stress. It would be best to give this person space. Let them heal on their own time until they appear ready to try again with you.

If you’ve been in separation for a while, Two of Pentacles reversed means reconciliation is not on their mind right now. They are overwhelmed by multiple facets of their life simultaneously. If this person is single, they could be stressing over responsibilities with family members. They could be focused on rebalancing a work situation. It’s hard for them to prioritize you at the moment. Reconciliation is not on their mind, give them time.

If the two of you are still considering whether or not you should break up, Two of Pentacles reversed means if they seem to be distant, know that they are not doing it on purpose. Your person is not playing games. In fact, they may not even be aware of how they’re coming off as they’re so overwhelmed. Have some compassion for your person, especially if they’re facing health or mental health issues. Something is throwing them off balance. Communication and compromise might be needed. If the hurdles are out of your control, taking a temporary break may be necessary.

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For relationships and reconciliation, the Two of Pentacles represents balance and harmony. We all live busy lives, and we are all juggling many things at once. For our relationships to work, we need to give them the attention that they deserve. This card is a reminder to make the people we care about a priority. 

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