The Three of Cups is the card of joy, friendship, community, gatherings, and celebrations. The card features three women dancing in a circle, raising their cups in the air in a toast. There is something to celebrate today, and they are determined to party hard. In addition to having fun, they are building connections with each other.
The Three of Cups reminds us that no relationship is complete without joy and celebration. There is a time to work hard, but there is also a time to party hard. We build relationships with others by celebrating the wins, big and small, of our lives. The Three of Cups reminds us to take the time to celebrate with the people we love. Community creates meaning.
If you are asking about love advice, and you draw the Three of Cups, that means that you are advised to celebrate your connection. This person is happy to be with you. They feel joyous because they know you. Their feelings are deeply rooted in loving you as you are and who you’re not, like how a best friend would accept you. You are someone very important to them.
For love, the Three of Cups as advice means that you should trust how you feel about this person because they share the same emotions. You are their destined partner, a constant in their world. Your family and friends can see how you both are a match made in heaven. You are compatible with one another. The connection is deeper than physical attraction — they genuinely see you as someone they want to be with for the rest of their life.
For singles, the Three of Cups as love advice means you should let them meet your friends and family. Their feelings for you will be strongly affected when you are around the people you love. They will appreciate you more and see how great you are by the way you spend time with others. Looking at you mingling and celebrating with others creates an image in their mind that they want to see you happy with your people and your tribe.
For new and potential relationships, the Three of Cups as love advice means this person loves to be with you at all times. You started as friends, and now your connection is stronger than ever. They are thankful that you fit well in each other’s social circles. Your friends have become their friends, and theirs are yours. They want to achieve their goals with you and celebrate many milestones together.
For existing relationships, the Three of Cups as advice means that they see you as their happiness. They rejoice in the closeness of your relationship. They are deeply in love with you. You are their life companion, someone who will be with them through the ups and downs. They can’t see themselves without you by their side.
If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Three of Cups as love advice shows that your ex wants to be just friends. The relationship may have ended, but that doesn’t mean they no longer want you in their life. They value your friendship and see you as a great friend. If you’re hoping for a reconciliation, it might not come soon. But just as how you started as friends, maybe you will try again in time.
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If you are asking about love advice, and you draw the Three of Cups reversed, that means that you are advised to keep your feelings in check. This person likes you but doesn’t want their feelings to blossom into romance. This doesn’t mean something’s wrong with you. They just really want to be friends and keep it at that.
For love, the Three of Cups reversed as advice means that you should also be careful of third-party distractions in your relationship. This card in reverse is also known as the “affair” card. You must be mindful if people outside the relationship want to mess up your connection. Or perhaps your person is the one instigating the affair? Be observant and always remember to prioritize yourself.
For singles, the Three of Cups reversed as love advice means this person hesitates to be in a relationship. They had their share of fun and excitement, but that was short-lived. They can’t sustain the feeling, or they don’t have the capacity to. In short, they are not ready to commit because they are unsure if your connection is real or just another temporary fling they usually have.
For new and potential relationships, the Three of Cups reversed as love advice means your partner is torn between waiting to continue the relationship or being friends. They initially liked you so much that they decided to start a romantic beginning with you. They were excited and thrilled at the joys of new relationships. But now that they have faced the reality that it’s not always rainbows and butterflies, they are unsure what to do. Alternatively, they may have realized they are not ready for commitment and give up being single.
For existing relationships, the Three of Cups reversed as advice means that they see you as someone they can cheat on. Or perhaps they are already having an affair. They have been pondering upon your relationship for quite some time. They think your connection has weakened — it’s not as strong as before. Something feels missing. You should resolve these issues by openly communicating your vision for the future. If it’s aligned, then make sure you want to change for the better. Otherwise, there’s no longer a need to hold on to deception and lies.
If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Three of Cups reversed as love advice shows that you should move on. Your ex is not considering getting back together because they are too focused on living the single life. They missed it and are doing their best to enjoy the complete bliss of partying, meeting up with others, and doing all sorts of gimmicks. They don’t want to let go of the party life right now. They think that relationships will only hold them down.
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For relationships and feelings, the Three of Cups represents joy and celebration. No relationship is complete without it. There is a time to work hard, but there is also a time to party hard. When you win, celebrate that win with the people around you. When the people you love win, cheer them on as their biggest supporter. The Three of Cups shows us that by building our communities and support systems, we grow stronger in love.
If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.