The Two of Pentacles is the card of balance, adaptation, resourcefulness, and flexibility. This card features a man juggling two pentacles in the air while dancing. He is trying to keep his balancing act going. He could go on forever, as long as he balances everything well and keeps it all in harmony.
The Two of Pentacles reminds us that balance and harmony are key aspects to a successful relationship. If we go to either extreme, things around us may crash and burn. That’s not to say that it is easy to juggle all of one’s responsibilities. The Two of Pentacles is a reminder that we have to prioritize.
If you are asking for career advice, and you draw the Two of Pentacles, it suggests that you have so many things going on right now. You’re starting to feel the stress of everything weighing down on you and you’re struggling to keep your focus. Try to reel things back a bit because having too many things going on at the same time can be too distracting. Your career won’t be able to grow if you’re unable to keep your eyes on the prize.
If you are asking for financial advice, the Two of Pentacles means that you need some help right now. You aren’t in the best place financially right now and there’s no shame in that. Know that there’s no shame in asking others for help, especially when you need it this much. Pay attention to the things going on around you and remember that you need to prioritize your needs over everything else right now.
For those starting a new job, the Two of Pentacles means you’re flexible and adaptable, but this big change is something that’s taking your focus away from doing your best. Don’t be shy to approach your coworkers if you’re feeling lost or confused. Build a relationship with someone that you can lean on during tough times because you’ll need someone like that in the future. Just keep doing your best but remember that you aren’t an island.
For those wondering about their current job, the Two of Pentacles means that you just need a quick break from everything so you can get your bearings. You’re a very capable person and your current job brings you fulfillment. However, you need to learn how to prioritize yourself sometimes too. Take a short break from all the chaos and find yourself returning back to work feeling better than ever.
If you are asking about whether or not you should switch industries, the Two of Pentacles means that you shouldn’t. You love your current industry and you know that you’re good at it. You’ve poured in countless hours to hone your craft and it shows in your work ethic. You’re only having thoughts of shifting careers because you’re feeling burnt out and anxious about the things to come. Good things are coming your way. Just be sure to take a break and ask for help when things get too overwhelming.
For those interested in starting a business, the Two of Pentacles means that this business will work if you make it your priority. If you start one then it may be time for you to leave your current job so you can pour all your focus into it. Have confidence in your abilities, but also acknowledge that running a business is hard so you’ll need help from time to time. There’s nothing wrong with asking for some assistance, especially when it’s for something as big as running a business.
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If you are asking for career advice, and you draw the Two of Pentacles reversed, it suggests that you’re feeling super overwhelmed right now. You’re struggling so much because you want to push your career forward, but you’re starting to drown beneath everything that you need to do.
If you are asking for financial advice, the Two of Pentacles reversed means that you’re conflicted about where to pour your focus into. You’re being a little careless at the moment because you’re so swamped with everything. Try to take a step back and avoid making big financial decisions at this time. Trying times may come ahead because of your lack of focus, so it’s good to be a little more frugal with your finances.
For those starting a new job, the Two of Pentacles reversed means that there’s a lot on your plate. You may be neglecting your work or yourself because you’re trying really hard to stay afloat. There’s something that isn’t working out here especially because you’re hiding your true self from your new coworkers. You want to please everyone around you but please remember that you need to also consider yourself and your feelings.
For those wondering about their current job, the Two of Pentacles reversed means you’re feeling out of sync. Your job has become more draining than it is fulfilling, and it’s beginning to take a toll on you. In your struggle to juggle so many things, you’re beginning to lose your grip. If things are getting too much for you, remember that you should approach someone and talk to them about it. Change won’t come about if you don’t take the necessary steps for it.
If you are asking about whether or not you should switch industries, the Two of Pentacles reversed means you’re finding it hard to keep up with the stress of your job. If you believe that you’ll find more happiness and fulfillment elsewhere, then you should go for it. You’ve grown a lot in your current industry, but remember that changing your approach and seeking out new things may be the answer.
For those interested in starting a business, the Two of Pentacles reversed means you’re too overwhelmed to be able to effectively handle a business right now. Take a step back and rediscover where your priorities truly lie. This will help you realign yourself with what really matters. If you’re truly passionate and determined to start a business just be sure to take a step back and take some things off your plate first. If you don’t, you may just crumble under the pressure of it all.
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For careers, the Two of Pentacles represents balance and harmony. We all live busy lives, and we are all juggling many things at once. For our careers to work, we need to give ourselves the attention that we deserve so we don’t burn ourselves out. This card is a reminder to make the people we care about a priority — and that includes yourself.
If you find yourself needing further clarity in your career matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on career and finances, as a neutral and objective third party.