Two of Wands as What Someone Wants from You Tarot Card Meaning Sibyl Tarot

The Two of Wands is the card of planning, making decisions, leaving comfort, and taking risks. The card features a man standing on top of a castle and looking down at a miniature globe. This man has everything that he needs around him, but he still hungers for more. The globe in his hand represents new potential opportunities and experiences. 

The Two of Wands reminds us that when we want to make progress in life and relationships, we have to take that first step into the unknown. We don’t get what we want by just thinking about it and keeping it as an idea in our heads. The Universe helps those who help themselves. When you get out of your comfort zone, you will be rewarded. 

Upright Two of Wands as What Someone Wants From You

If you are asking about what someone wants from you, and you draw the Two of Wands, it means that they want you to explore your options or consider the future with them. They may be feeling uncertain about where things are headed and are looking for reassurance that you are considering them in your future plans. This card can be a sign that the person values your relationship and wants to see it grow and develop over time.

The Two of Wands as what someone wants from you can represent their desire for you to plan and make decisions with them in mind. They want to feel included and valued in the decisions that you make, and they want to know that you are considering their needs and desires as well. This card is a reminder to be communicative and open with the person, ensuring that they feel heard and understood.

If you are asking about a romantic relationship, the Two of Wands as what someone wants from you means they want you to consider the potential future of your relationship. They may be feeling ready to take the next step and are seeking reassurance that you are on the same page. This is a time to have open and honest communication about where you see the relationship going and to make sure that you are both aligned with your future plans.

If you are asking about an ex, the Two of Wands as what someone wants from you means they may want you to reflect on the past and consider what could have been. They may be feeling nostalgic or regretful about the way things ended and are seeking closure or a resolution. It is important to be respectful and considerate of their feelings, while also being clear about your own boundaries and needs.

If you are asking about a friend or family member, the Two of Wands as what someone wants from you means they want you to plan and make decisions that include them. They may be feeling left out or undervalued in your life and are seeking reassurance that you value and appreciate their presence in your life. This is a time to be mindful of their needs and to make an effort to include them in your plans and decisions.

If you are asking about career and financial matters, the Two of Wands as what someone wants from you means they want you to consider all your options and make a strategic decision. They may be feeling uncertain about the direction of a project or business and are seeking your input and expertise to help guide the decision-making process. This is a time to be thoughtful and strategic, carefully considering all your options before making a decision.

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Reversed Two of Wands as What Someone Wants From You

If you are asking about what someone wants from you, and you draw the Two of Wands reversed, it means that they may want you to be more spontaneous and less focused on planning. This card suggests that they feel restricted or limited by the way you approach situations, and they desire more freedom and flexibility. They may feel that your focus on planning and the future is preventing you from fully enjoying the present moment together.

The Two of Wands reversed as what someone wants from you can represent their desire for you to live in the moment and not worry too much about the future. They may want you to let go of your need for control and to be more open to new experiences and opportunities. This card encourages you to be more flexible and to allow yourself to be guided by your instincts and feelings rather than relying solely on logic and planning.

If you are asking about a romantic relationship, the Two of Wands reversed as what someone wants from you means they may want you to be more spontaneous and less focused on the future. They may feel that your focus on planning is preventing you from truly connecting and enjoying each other’s company. This card encourages you to be more present in your relationship and to allow yourself to be guided by your emotions and feelings.

If you are asking about an ex, the Two of Wands reversed as what someone wants from you means they may want you to stop reflecting on the past and live in the moment. They may feel that your focus on the past is preventing you from moving forward and finding happiness. This card encourages you to let go of past regrets and to embrace the present moment.

If you are asking about a friend or family member, the Two of Wands reversed as what someone wants from you means they may want you to be more spontaneous and less focused on planning. They may feel that your focus on the future is preventing you from fully enjoying your time together. This card encourages you to be more flexible and open-minded in your approach to your relationship.

If you are asking about career and financial matters, the Two of Wands reversed as what someone wants from you means they may want you to be more spontaneous and take risks rather than overanalyzing and planning. They may feel that your cautious approach is preventing you from seizing opportunities and achieving success. This card encourages you to trust your instincts and to take calculated risks when necessary.

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For relationships and feelings, the Two of Wands represents planning and moving forward to reach your goals. Love is not just about a feeling. Love is about our actions. We get what we put out. Set your intentions, work to make them happen, and you will find your wishes manifested.  

If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.

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