The Wheel of Fortune is the card of luck, karma, and life cycles. A giant wheel turns, showing that life is cyclical. What comes up must come down, and what is down will soon be on its way up. In the corners of the Wheel of Fortune are four winged creatures, each corresponding with the four fixed signs of the Zodiac: Aquarius as the angel, Scorpio as the eagle, Leo as the lion, and Taurus as the bull. Though life turns, there is always stability and wisdom amidst the movement.
The Wheel of Fortune is a reminder that the wheel of life and love is always turning. Life is constantly changing. If you are going through a hard time now, know that you may be at the bottom of a cycle. Similarly, if things are going well for you, appreciate what you have at this moment. Practice loving kindness, no matter what. As the saying says, “What goes around, comes around.”
If you are asking about love advice, and you draw the Wheel of Fortune, that means that you are advised to not take the other person for granted. You have spun an amazing return on the Wheel of Fortune. You love them, and they love you. When we are blessed with something as fortunate as this, we tend to take it for granted. So, make every effort to stay appreciative of the amazing things in your life.
For love, the Wheel of Fortune as advice means that you should spend more time with your partner and enjoy the moments you have. Only a very small fraction of the population gets moments like the ones you have with your special someone. Love advice for this is to put every available effort and energy you have into the relationship because relationships like these are rare.
For singles, the Wheel of Fortune as love advice means that you are on the path to being blessed with an amazing partner. Maybe you have someone in mind, or they are waiting for you to find them. Either way, the cards of fortune will fall into place and you will find the love of your life. Be yourself and make the effort to show your love for the special someone you find.
For new and potential relationships, the Wheel of Fortune as love advice means you have a great thing started. You should continue what you have and attempt to strengthen the bond in every chance you get. This is a relationship with tons of potential, so do not let it pass you by.
For existing relationships, the Wheel of Fortune as advice means that they see you as someone they truly love. You are fortunate to have each other, and you both are thankful you are in each other’s lives. The relationship has the potential to blossom into a long-term commitment with likely a marriage in the foresight.
If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Wheel of Fortune as love advice shows that reconciliation is definitely possible. They think about you often and you live in their head a lot of the time they spend trying to focus on other things. They loved the relationship and they desire it back.
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If you are asking about love advice, and you draw the Wheel of Fortune reversed, that means that you are advised to close the gap of disconnect between you and your partner. You have begun to move away from each other. This is very bad for your connection, and the best advice is to reconnect with the passion that brought you together in the first place.
For love, the Wheel of Fortune reversed as advice means that you should decide whether it is more beneficial to continue effort in the relationship or move on together. There are many problems between you two, some of which are very difficult to solve. This could be a situation where moving on is the best option for the both of you.
For singles, the Wheel of Fortune reversed as love advice means you have not been taking opportunities given to you for relationships. You have had many people interested in you, but you missed the opportunities. This is the misfortune of the reversed Wheel of Fortune. Love advice would be to shoot your shot and express your true feelings, what is the worst that can happen!
For new and potential relationships, the Wheel of Fortune reversed as love advice means the relationship has not started out on the right track. This forms a bad foundation for the future. Strong relationships must have good fundamental care and passion if they are going to work long-term. Love advice for this situation would be to be honest with your partner about whether you intend to be in a long-term relationship and what things can be fixed to grow a stronger foundational bond.
For existing relationships, the Wheel of Fortune reversed as advice means that they see you as disconnected from the love they give you. The relationship is not balanced. The reversed Wheel of Fortune indicates that something is missing from both of you. Love advice here would be to spend more time with your partner and learn more about what they want.
If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Wheel of Fortune reversed as love advice shows that getting back together is not the best idea. The reversed Wheel of Fortune tells you that the breakup was needed for an otherwise unfortunate relationship. Something did not match between you two. The best advice is to move on and find someone you get along better with.
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For relationships and feelings, the Wheel of Fortune reveals the cyclical and karmic nature of love and life. It reminds us to practice loving kindness, because “what goes around, comes around.” If we lean into the Wheel’s true nature, we will be more appreciative of the good times we have, and also understand that the bad times will pass. Knowing this, you will be a more compassionate and empathetic partner, inviting positive energy into your life.
If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.