The Wheel of Fortune is the card of luck, karma, and life cycles. A giant wheel turns, showing that life is cyclical. What comes up must come down, and what is down will soon be on its way up. In the corners of the Wheel of Fortune are four winged creatures, each corresponding with the four fixed signs of the Zodiac: Aquarius as the angel, Scorpio as the eagle, Leo as the lion, and Taurus as the bull. Though life turns, there is always stability and wisdom amidst the movement.
The Wheel of Fortune is a reminder that the wheel of life and love is always turning. Life is constantly changing. If you are going through a hard time now, know that you may be at the bottom of a cycle. Similarly, if things are going well for you, appreciate what you have at this moment. Practice loving kindness, no matter what. As the saying says, “What goes around, comes around.”
If you are asking about the present, and you draw the Wheel of Fortune, it means that change, cycles, and the influence of fate are currently playing a significant role in your life. This card signifies that you are at a pivotal moment where the forces of destiny could shift the direction of your journey. It encourages you to embrace the concept of impermanence and to be open to the flow of life, understanding that each turn of the wheel brings its own set of circumstances and opportunities for growth.
The Wheel of Fortune as the present can represent a turning point, indicating that the winds of change are bringing new opportunities and challenges. This period in your life is marked by transformation and the potential for evolution, suggesting that how you respond to these changes will greatly influence your future path. The Wheel of Fortune reminds you that while you may not have control over the forces of fate, your reactions and decisions in the face of change are powerful tools for shaping your destiny.
If you are asking about a romantic relationship, the Wheel of Fortune in the present position means that the relationship may be entering a new phase, with changes that could bring growth or unexpected turns. This card highlights the importance of flexibility and openness in navigating the evolving dynamics of your partnership. It suggests that embracing the changes together can lead to a deeper and more meaningful connection, as you learn and grow from the experiences that come your way.
If you are asking about an ex, the Wheel of Fortune in the present position means that the past relationship’s lessons are shaping your current path, possibly in unforeseen ways. This card indicates that the experiences and insights gained from this relationship are influencing your personal development and future relationships. It serves as a reminder that every encounter has its purpose in the larger cycle of your life, offering valuable lessons that contribute to your growth and understanding.
If you are asking about a friend or family member, the Wheel of Fortune in the present position means that the dynamics of the relationship may be changing, influenced by external factors or life’s natural cycles. This card suggests that these changes, while possibly challenging, are part of the natural ebb and flow of relationships. It encourages you to remain adaptable and supportive, recognizing that these shifts can lead to new ways of relating to and supporting each other.
If you are asking about career and financial matters, the Wheel of Fortune in the present position means that your professional life or financial status may be undergoing significant changes, offering both risks and rewards. This card advises you to stay alert to the opportunities that change brings, while also preparing for the unpredictability that can come with such shifts. It reminds you that periods of flux can be times of great potential, where being open to change and proactive in your responses can lead to substantial growth and advancement.
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If you are asking about the present, and you draw the Wheel of Fortune reversed, it means that you may be experiencing resistance to change or feeling stuck in a cycle of bad luck or negative outcomes. This card suggests that the forces of fate may seem to be working against you, creating a sense of frustration and helplessness. It’s a reminder to examine the areas of your life where you might be holding onto patterns or expectations that are preventing progress, urging you to take action to initiate positive change.
The Wheel of Fortune reversed as the present can represent a period of stagnation or the need to break free from a cycle that no longer serves you. This time calls for introspection and the courage to make difficult decisions that can shift your trajectory towards a more fulfilling path. The card encourages you to reassess your direction and to be open to the lessons that these challenges present, as they can be instrumental in guiding you towards new opportunities.
If you are asking about a romantic relationship, the Wheel of Fortune reversed in the present position means that the relationship may be going through a rough patch, with external circumstances or bad timing affecting its course. This card indicates that it’s important to communicate openly with your partner about the issues you face and to work together to find solutions. It serves as a reminder that while you cannot control all aspects of life, you can choose how to respond to these challenges, fostering resilience and a deeper connection in the relationship.
If you are asking about an ex, the Wheel of Fortune reversed in the present position means that unresolved issues or patterns from the past may be hindering your ability to move forward. This card suggests that reflecting on these patterns and learning from them can provide valuable insights for your personal growth. It emphasizes the importance of releasing what no longer serves you, allowing you to embrace new beginnings with a clearer sense of self.
If you are asking about a friend or family member, the Wheel of Fortune reversed in the present position means that your relationship might be experiencing difficulties due to misfortune or a series of unfortunate events. This card highlights the need for patience and understanding as you navigate these challenges together. It reminds you that support and compassion during tough times can strengthen your bond and help you both emerge stronger on the other side.
If you are asking about career and financial matters, the Wheel of Fortune reversed in the present position means that you might be facing setbacks or delays, with progress being slower than expected. This card advises not to lose hope or determination, as these obstacles are often temporary. It encourages you to reassess your strategies and to remain adaptable, reminding you that perseverance and a positive outlook can eventually lead to overcoming these challenges and achieving your goals.
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For relationships and feelings, the Wheel of Fortune reveals the cyclical and karmic nature of love and life. It reminds us to practice loving kindness, because “what goes around, comes around.” If we lean into the Wheel’s true nature, we will be more appreciative of the good times we have, and also understand that the bad times will pass. Knowing this, you will be a more compassionate and empathetic partner, inviting positive energy into your life.
If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.