The World is the card of completion, achievement, fulfillment, belonging, and perfect harmony. The card depicts a woman dancing, surrounded by a wreath. The wreath symbolizes success and infinity. The four figures around her represent the four elements: fire, water, air, earth. Together, they symbolize the perfect harmony of their respective energies.
The World reminds us that there is fulfillment at the end of every cycle. There is a perfect someone out there for you in the Universe. The Universe hears you, and your intentions will be manifested back at you. The World reminds us to be grateful for what we have, while also letting us know that we deserve the best.
If you are asking for career advice, and you draw the World, it suggests that you are about to achieve great things. This card implies that achievement, fulfillment, and harmony are going to be major factors in your career. This is an amazing card to receive if you’re someone who’s been looking forward to advancing your career.
If you are asking for financial advice, the World means that prosperity and bountiful harvests are in your cards. You’ll finally be getting the financial breakthrough that you’ve been working so hard for. Just make sure that your intentions with this money are pure because the universe does hear and see what you do.
For those starting a new job, the World means that this is your breakthrough. This is the fresh new start that you’ve been searching for. You’ll be able to cultivate the perfect mix of peace and harmony while at your new job and this is something that you definitely deserve. You’ve been a hard worker throughout your professional career and it’s about time for the universe to reward you for your perseverance and commitment.
For those wondering about their current job, the World means that you are encouraged to be grateful. There should be no doubt in your mind that this is where you’re meant to be. Your current job is where you’ll be able to reach your final self. With everything in the universe coming together and, for once, everything will suddenly make sense and you’ll understand what your purpose is.
If you are asking about whether or not you should switch industries, the World means that you will come to a decision on your own. Reflect on where you are right now and think about what else you want to achieve. Be thankful for where you are but you must also acknowledge that you’re free to explore newer options if you feel that it will help you blossom into a better person.
For those interested in starting a business, the World means yes. You’re able to perfectly balance the different aspects of your life and it shows that you are ready for something like this. This may be the path to fulfillment for you and going on this journey will bring you to the final resolution that you’ve been searching for. Trust in yourself and in the universe.
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If you are asking for career advice, and you draw the World reversed, it suggests that you are lacking direction. There is discord in your life and you’re struggling to balance all the things that are going on. While it’s okay to be off balance, it’s also important to note that you won’t be able to advance your career without letting go of something so that you can find your footing.
If you are asking for financial advice, the World reversed means that the universe has noticed your lack of pure intention. You’ve been irresponsible and karma is now working its magic. Material items should not bring you as much fulfillment as spiritual, emotional, or even mental achievements. Stop placing material things over yourself and your goals.
For those starting a new job, the World reversed means this is not the breakthrough you’ve been searching for. Getting a new job isn’t as fulfilling as you thought it would be but this isn’t something that you can just back out of. Realign your goals and values with your current job and find that the universe will see your effort and will set things right for you.
For those wondering about their current job, the World reversed means that your current job makes you feel like you’ve achieved nothing. But, know that being in a cycle isn’t so bad once you learn how to shift the cycle in your favor. Practice gratefulness and mindfulness and realize that where you are right now is where the universe wants you to be. There is still much to learn and see in your current job.
If you are asking about whether or not you should switch industries, the World reversed means that you’ve been thinking of leaving your job behind because you believe you’re destined for greater things — and you are, but your time with this current path isn’t over yet. There is still room for improvement and growth and you should consider maxing out your potential before trying something new.
For those interested in starting a business, the World reversed means that this isn’t the milestone that will bring you fulfillment. You want to achieve great things and it’s good to want to become better, but you must also realize that this is a big step. Try to find balance within yourself before continuing down this path as harmony may bring you the answer.
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For your career, the World represents completion and achievement. Where everyone else wants to be, you already are. There is wholeness, harmony, and a sense of belonging here. The World reminds us that there will always be a peak in the current cycle. Enjoy it, you’ve earned it. All of the efforts that you’ve put in are starting to pay off. You’ve hit a major milestone.
If you find yourself needing further clarity in your career matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on career and finances, as a neutral and objective third party.